Card example sentences

The government has tried to give this card to every person on the voters list.For understanding this concept, take two pieces of strong cardboards and join them with the help of two nails.Glucocorticoids stimulate gluconeogenesis, lipolysis, proteolysis, erythropoiesis, cardio-vascular system, blood pressure, and glomerular filtration rate and inhibit inflammatory reactions by suppressing the immune response.E-Choupal Smart Cards enable farmer identification to provide customised information on the E-Choupal website.The government has tried to give this card to every person on the voters list.In the ledger, each account is opened preferably on separate page or card.Stress has been implicated in the development of cardiovascular disorders, high blood pressure, as well as psychosomatic disorders including ulcers, asthma, allergies and headaches.For example, the celebration of Diwali, Id, Christmas, and Guru Parv in India provides significant financial opportunities for greetings card companies, sweets or confectionery manufacturers, tailoring outlets and many other related business.But Tilloo had watched his father slip the magic card into a slot.They have lived here for more than thirty years without an identity, without permits but with ration cards that get their names on voters' lists and enable them to buy grain.Hold one cardboard in your one hand and try to rotate the other.Pollutants can be degradable, like discarded vegetables which rapidly break down by natural processes.With this card, Ahmad gets sufficient quantity of wheat, rice, sugar and kerosene oil for his daily use.Tilloo s father was enjoying a siesta at home and Tilloo managed to get hold of his security card.When Nannu went to collect his card next day, he was given a very warm treatment by the Food & Supply Officer (FSO), who is the head of a Circle.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English