Compliance meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Compliance
As noun : अनुकूलता Ex:  You have to play in compliance with the rules.
अनुपालन Ex:  If the District Court agrees that the flags are not in compliance उ:   भू-क्षेत्रीय सीमाओं का अनुपालन होने लगा। अनुरूपता Ex:  France is only 40% in compliance with this directive उ:   यह "सत्य का अनुरूपता सिद्धांत" है। आज्ञापालन Ex:  "the overall compliance culture within Cayman is very strong तजवीज Ex:  EuroSID is used in Europe to ensure compliance with safety standards पसंदोदगी Ex:  RTMX have sent patches to add further POSIX compliance to the system, and . भूखारी Ex:  compliance with current practice मुआफिकत Ex:  Having a family resemblance, Having this compliance features, physiognomy, which is believed to exist or recognition between people of the same family राजी ‡ Ex:  Having the report, compliance with somebody with some something विफाक Ex:  He pushed very far compliance with the conventions सद्दशता Ex:  He still called Which has nothing or no compliance with the thing it is सन्मति Ex:  It also says in the direction Second, to express the similarity, equality, compliance there is between two people or between two things समप्पन Ex:  It also tells of Things That marks and signifies compliance समर्पण Ex:  Keep compliance उ:   उसमें समर्पण की भावना प्रमुख विषयवस्तु है। सम्मति Ex:  REPORT Suitability still means, compliance analogy उ:   प्लेटो ऐसे ज्ञान को सम्मति पद देता है। सांमुख्य Ex:  The compliance holder सानुकूल्य Ex:  There compliance us tastes and principles हृद्यत्व Ex:  This fortress held throughout the country in compliance with
Compliance ki paribhasha : kisi aarnbh kiye hue kaary ki samaapti bhojan vastr aadi dekar jivanaraksha kisi niyam ka kai sthaanon par baar baar lagana kisi ko koi chij aadarapoorvak bhet karana
Compliance synonyms
consent conformity observance submission concurrence assent complaisance obedience tractability yielding acquiescence deference amenability concession submissiveness resignation docility passivity
Compliance antonyms
refusal resistance disobedience rebellion defiance denial dissension dissent nonconformity veto difference disagreement fight
Usage of Compliance in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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