Compliance example sentences

Creation of provision is necessary to ascertain true and fair profit or loss in compliance with 'Prudence' or 'Conservatism' concept.However, though there has been an effort by the government to widen the tax net and ensure better compliance, there have been fears that welfare expenditure may get reduced to meet the targets mandated by the Act.In compliance, there are external conditions that force the individual to accept the influence of the significant other.This section describes three important group influence processes, i.e. conformity, compliance and obedience.Obedience is the most direct and explicit form of social influence, whereas compliance is less direct than obedience because someone has requested and thus you comply (here, the probability of refusal is there).Compliance also refers to behaving in a particular way in response to a request made by someone.It was stated earlier that compliance refers simply to behaving in response to a request from another person or group even in the absence of a norm.They suppress their negative emotions (e.g., anger), and show compliance to authority.We can see that there are some similarities between conformity, compliance, and obedience, but there are also some differences.Non-compliance of laws can land the business enterprise into legal problems.When compliance is shown to an instruction or order from a person in authority, such as parents, teachers, leaders, or policemen, that behaviour is called obedience.Once an awareness is created about the requirements of a standard, steps are taken to enforce its compliance by making them mandatory for all companies to comply with.A good example of compliance is the kind of behaviour shown when a salesperson comes to our door.In case of non-compliance, the companies are required to disclose the reasons for deviations and the financial effect, if any, arising due to such deviation.This would be a case of compliance also called 'external/public conformity'.

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