Cork meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cork
As noun : आकाशनीम की छाल Ex:  The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop.
उसकी छाल Ex:  Calm down! Don't pop your cork . एक वृक्ष Ex:  Sue popped the cork out of the champagne bottle . कर्क Ex:  cork insoles, felt, cork pieces, felt soles cut, we put in the shoes to ensure feet humidity, cold उ:   राँची कर्क रेखा के पास है। काग या डाट लगाना Ex:  cork pad , wood काग लगाना Ex:  cork plug काग Ex:  It also said the Little coated wax wick burning a pilot and which is maintained on the oil by a small washer cork lined cardboard उ:   काग पूर्णतया कोशिकाओं से बना रहता है। कागिल Ex:  Playing cap, Play befall that, by far, with shuffleboard, coins placed on a cork or wood कारव Ex:  The cork floats on water because of its lightness कार्क Ex:  The cork insoles कुटरु Ex:  The cork oak कॉर्क Ex:  The fishermen's nets are filled with small pieces of cork उ:   कुछ बाँजों से कॉर्क भी प्राप्त होता है। कौशिकाराति, कौशिकारि Ex:  The lightness of the vapors, paper, aluminum, cork ढट्टा त्वक्षा सकुनाधम
Other : काक Ex:  Cork oak, oak whose bark cork provides उ:   कपिल काक भारतीय वायु सेना के सेवानिवृत अधिकारी हैं। डट्टा Ex:  The water thrown cork floats डाट लगाना Ex:  Life Ring, Large pan or ring cork or other material unsinkable, thrown into the sea when a man fell there to help him save डाट उ:   इसे डाट का बैठना कहते हैं।
Cork ki paribhasha : vah vastu jo kisi bojh ko thaharaaye rakhane ya kisi vastu ko khadi rakhane ke liye lagaayi jaati hai ek prakaar ki narm lakadi jisaki dat botalon men lagaayi jaati hai baloot ki jaati ka ek bad ped
Cork synonyms
spike stopper float seal close phellem bobber oak stopple shive
Cork antonyms
opening beginning start
Usage of Cork in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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