Meaning of (काग) kag in english

As noun : cork Ex:  It also said the Little coated wax wick burning a pilot and which is maintained on the oil by a small washer cork lined cardboard उ:   काग पूर्णतया कोशिकाओं से बना रहता है।
Other :
crow Ex:  Push the peculiar cry to its kind, speaking a crow उ:   काग का आपेक्षिक गुरुत्व केवल लगभग ०.२५ होता है। uvula Ex:  It has swollen uvula उ:   उनमें साधारण, या रबर के काग लगाने पड़ते हैं। stopper उ:   जो रचना मनुष्य के मन को आनंद के रंग से रंग दे वही काग कहलाती है। raven Ex:  Little raven उ:   इनके प्रयोग से काग आदि लगाने या छेद करने की परेशानी से बच जाते है।
Suggested : any of several large, corvine birds having lustrous, black plumage and a loud, harsh call, especially Corvus corax, of the New and Old Worlds a person or thing that stops the small, fleshy, conical body projecting downward from the middle of the soft palate See diag under mouth any of several large oscine birds of the genus Corvus, of the family Corvidae, having a long, stout bill, lustrous black plumage, and a wedge-shaped tail, as the common C brachyrhynchos, of North America the outer bark of an oak, Quercus suber, of Mediterranean countries, used for making stoppers for bottles, floats, etc
Exampleकाग का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of काग:
1. काग ऋषि की तपोभूमि पर पहले दिन मेले में श्रद्धालु माता के दर्शनार्थ पहुंचे और मन्नत मांगी
(काग) kag can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 3 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit and/or English language . Transliteration : kaaga

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