Cruel meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cruel
As noun : क्रूरता से Ex:  He could suffer a cruel libel
As adjective :
अकृप Ex:  The book is full of cruel satire. अकृपालु Ex:  Hitler was intolerably cruel to the Jews. अघोर Ex:  he is a cruel person अतर्स Ex:  she awoke in the arms of her cruel undoer अनमनीय Ex:  Hitler was a cruel man अयोहृदय Ex:  Nevertheless, Tesla displayed the occasional cruel streak अवच्छुरित Ex:  Although his methods were cruel उग्रदंड Ex:  Neighbors also recounted how Kehoe was cruel to his farm animals उग्रदंड Ex:  Neighbors also recounted how Kehoe was cruel to his farm animals कठुर Ex:  She banned this execution as a form of cruel and unusual punishment. कठेठ, कठेठा Ex:  They also paint him as bloodthirsty and cruel कठोर Ex:  For most of recorded history, capital punishments were often cruel and inhuman. उ:   मैंगनीज सबसे कठोर धातु है और लीथियम सबसे कोमल। कठोरहृदय Ex:  But due to the advent of Kaliyan and because of the cruel nature of his boons कमठान Ex:  A cruel disease nails me in my bed कर्कस Ex:  A low revenge and cruel क्रक्कस Ex:  Disappointment cruel क्रुरचरित Ex:  Do not you see, you are blind, the trap set for you? The cruel it is क्रुराशय Ex:  Drink the cup to the dregs, suffer a complete humiliation, a long and cruel pain, evil in all its extent क्रूर (ता Ex:  Exerting cruel vengeance on someone क्रूर, निर्मोही Ex:  Gout is a torture, cruel punishment क्रूर Ex:  He also said cruel Actions and feelings, opinions that bear the cruelty उ:   यह मानव जाति के लिए क्रूर है"। खुँखार Ex:  He received, he suffered, he drew a large, cruel mortification ग्राव Ex:  He suffered a cruel operation घोरदर्शन Ex:  I have never experienced a punishment so cruel घोराकार, घोराकृत्ति Ex:  It also means, especially in the plural, very cruel Shares चंड़ Ex:  It also tells of a legitimate government, but unjust and cruel चिह्नकारी Ex:  It is a cruel embarrassment unable to say what we think जरार Ex:  It is cruel and bloodthirsty जुलवाना Ex:  It is, by extension, all cruel and ferocious man डँकना Ex:  It made me a cruel offense to him, but I will make him well तुच्छदय Ex:  It takes again for the enormity of a bad action, a cruel action infamous, etc दारुनि Ex:  Rude, hard, cruel perpetual slavery दुःखछिन्न Ex:  Rude, severe, harsh, cruel दूध्र Ex:  The drop, stone are cruel torments निदयी Ex:  The Romans took a cruel pleasure in seeing men kill each other in the circus निरदय Ex:  There is philosophy point to the test of a event so cruel निरदाइ Ex:  These cruel killings terrified the country निरधिन Ex:  This cruel illness made him suffer a thousand deaths him निरनुग्रह Ex:  This is a great loss, a cruel loss निर्दट, निर्दड Ex:  This is a strange, cruel disgrace निर्दय Ex:  This is an unfortunate end a cruel end उ:   वह निर्दय होकर देश के भीतरी दुश्मनों के समक्ष पेश हुआ। निर्दयता से Ex:  We had made an epigram against him, he replied with a cruel satire निर्दयी Ex:  Which of the two genres is cruel instinct , speaking of Beasts निर्मोहिनी Ex:  , Drinking the cup to the dregs, suffer a complete humiliation, a long and cruel pain, evil in its whole extent, by referring to one of the scenes of the Passion of Jesus Christ निविरीश निविरीस Ex:  , is bloodthirsty, It is a bloodthirsty tiger, This is a cruel man, who delights in bloodshed निष्ठुर Ex:  , It is a wild beast, said of a brutal and cruel man उ:   न्याय में वे अत्यंत निष्ठुर थे। पथिवाहक पर्ष पाषाणहृदय पोढा़ फाड़खाऊ ‡ बंबार बेरहम बैहर ‡ भंक भयकर भयदर्शी भयानक उ:   भयानक रस नौ रसों में से एक रस है। भरुंड भीमयु भीमल भीषणक भृशदारुण भैभान भैयान मेआवन लोचनपरुप वज्रमय वज्रहृदय विक्रुष्ट विभीषणा विरुक्ष विशंकट वीतघृण व्यायत शरटु शिवापर संकीन सनिर्घृण सफ्फाक सम् द्दंड साधिष्ठ साहसैकरसिक हतियारा हननशील हिंस्त्र हृदयप्रस्तर हृदयशून्य
Other : अमानुषिक Ex:  You should stop being so cruel to other people . उग्र Ex:  But this does not give us license to be cruel to them उ:   उग्र रूप में ज्वर, ठंड़ के साथ कँपकँपी तथा पसीना होता है। कुमत Ex:  After a cruel test, it is difficult to take over कुमति Ex:  Bitter Irony cruel कूर Ex:  cruel man who likes to shed blood कड़ा Ex:  He experienced, suffered cruel setbacks खराब Ex:  He fell into disfavor a cruel उ:   पेट खराब होने से दस्त भी हो सकते है। खल Ex:  He received a cruel insult, a grave insult चंडाल Ex:  It does that feeds blood and carnage said by exaggeration of a cruel and bloodthirsty man जरठ Ex:  It is a Nero, to say this is a cruel prince, a tyrant, etc ज़ालिम Ex:  It is often said, in the plural, horrible things or disastrous, extreme pain, cruel privations दयाहीन Ex:  Pity has no control over what cruel people निठुर Ex:  The refusal was that he suffered a cruel blow for him निर्मम Ex:  Winner generous, inhuman, savage, cruel नृशंस परूष
Cruel ki paribhasha : saahity men nau rason ke antargat chhatha ras
Cruel synonyms
atrocious heartless harsh ruthless inhuman callous cold-blooded bitter merciless tyrannical barbarous evil hateful unkind spiteful brutal painful sadistic wicked relentless bestial bloodthirsty degenerate depraved excruciating ferocious fierce flinty hard hellish implacable inexorable malevolent monstrous pernicious poignant revengeful sinful unfeeling unnatural unrelenting virulent rancorous inhumane brutish demoniac hard-hearted
Cruel antonyms
compassionate considerate kind pleasing polite friendly merciful pleasant moral helpful humane feeling nice sympathetic easy gentle mild giving good decent charitable thoughtful uncruel
Usage of Cruel in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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