Meaning of (खुँखार) khuँkhara in english

As noun : fearsome Ex:  The name Rudra reflects his fearsome aspects.
terrifying Ex:  It means, by extension , which is dark, fateful, terrifying sinister Ex:  In engraving, Vert is marked by oblique lines of dexter sinister spooky spine chilling frightening Ex:  Hitting terror, frightening forbidding minacious black Ex:  He wore what the salesman described as a black ski-suit cross Ex:  Protocol dictates that MPs may not cross these lines when speaking. ruthless unpitying stern Ex:  The crowning of a vessel, a ship, the part of the ship, the ship that is above the stern iron Ex:  Yugoslavia received 73 Bf 109E-3s in exchange for iron
As verb : bloody Ex:  There would be further bloody protests in Uzbekistan in June
As adjective : terrible Ex:  I had a terrible time getting my car started . उ:   उनके पास में कई खुँखार जंगली जानवर रहते बैठे रहते थे। dreadful prodigious Ex:  D ' prodigious appalling Ex:  Spectrum hideous, appalling horrendous grim ugly Ex:  An ugly character black Ex:  He wore what the salesman described as a black ski-suit redoutable horrid Ex:  horrid Blasphemy, execrable ghastly scary Ex:  The scary movie gripped my attention . awful Ex:  Philips's Pastorals were not particularly awful poems scarey horrible Ex:  It is reported that horrible forms of torture and killing took place. dangerous Ex:  Reliance on sleeping pills is dangerous . baleful formidable Ex:  And in Chicago the violence was so formidable it shook the two friends. hideous Ex:  A woman hideous repulsive Ex:  Force repulsive dreadful minatory menacing Ex:  menacing Lyrics barbaric Ex:  Living in a barbaric times cruel Ex:  He received, he suffered, he drew a large, cruel mortification pitiless unrelenting inhumane hard hearted uncharitable remorseless inhuman Ex:  substantively, It's a nice inhuman
Suggested : stained or covered with blood causing fear extraordinary in size, amount, extent, degree, force , etc causing great dread , fear , or terror terrible distressing severe
Exampleखुँखार का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(खुँखार) khuँkhara can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Persian language . Transliteration : khuँkhaara

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