Dagger meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dagger
As noun : अध्रियामणी Ex:  She plunged in the dagger .
इली Ex:  The dagger here can be a sort of phallus of Romeo उ:   कुल मिलकर इली नदी का जलसम्भर क्षेत्र १,४०,००० वर्ग किमी है। ईठी Ex:  The other problem plays are marked below with a double dagger . ईलि Ex:  dagger Couteau- एक चिह्न Ex:  dagger Sorte, whose blade is very thin and usually triangular कटार (चिह् न Ex:  Fighting with sword and dagger कटार Ex:  He hid a dagger in his breast, he hide it in the part of his garment that covered her breast उ:   कलेजे में कटार गड़ गई। करीमुननफस Ex:  Hitting dagger blows to कार्मरिक Ex:  It is said to similar effect Place, dive, plunge a dagger into someone's heart काशू Ex:  Kick-sword, sword, dagger कुणाप Ex:  long dagger Species कुणापा Ex:  Malay dagger with a blade zigzag कौक्षयक Ex:  Sort dagger very broad blade खंजर Ex:  The dagger slipped and gave him a slight wound डैगर Ex:  The sheath of a dagger तपुराग्रा Ex:  , Having the dagger in the heart, in the breast, feeling pain, extreme displeasure of something पत्रपाल Ex:  , Put someone the dagger in the breast, causing Him extreme displeasure telling him bad news or saying something hard, disagreeable, unpleasant भाला Ex:  , Turn, take to someone on the dagger throat Wanting to force him to do something उ:   वो भाला चलाने में निपुण थे और वे कभी झूठ नहीं बोलते थे। लमछड़ लोहमाल वीरक्षुरिका शर्मण्य सायिका सिनान सेँथी स्त्रीकोश
Other : कंकण Ex:  Drill a man calls, Make him several wounds with a sword, a dagger कत्ती Ex:  He plunged a dagger in the breast करौली Ex:  Hitting, wound, kill with a dagger उ:   करौली ज़िला भारत के राजस्थान राज्य का एक ज़िला है। कृपाण Ex:  Return to someone the dagger in the heart, return the dagger in the wound उ:   वहां पर स्टील के उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले बर्तन और कृपाण मिलते हैं। कौक्षेयक Ex:  The dagger has deeply penetrated छुरा Ex:  The guard of a sword, a dagger उ:   यह जब हमला करती है, तो शरीर पर छुरा घोंपने जैसा निशान बन जाता है। छुरी Ex:  The murderer pulled his dagger dripping blood बरछी Ex:  , Return to someone dagger in the heart, return the dagger in the wound If dwell on what hurts it or who strongly afflicts
Dagger ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ka tikshn kshaar bhasm dndk vratt ka ek bhed kaatane ya chirane phaadne ka chhota hathiyaar jisamen ek bet men lohe ka lnba dhaaradaar tukad laga rahata hai ek baalisht ka chhota tikona aur dudhaara hathiyaar jo pet men hoola jaata hai
Dagger synonyms
blade bayonet sword cutlass poniard stylet switchblade stiletto bodkin dirk anlace sidearm skean
Usage of Dagger in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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