Meaning of (ईठी) eethee in english

As noun : valentine
love, affection beloved Ex:  "I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine, that shepherds among the lilies". darling javelin Ex:  The longer throws of javelin spear Ex:  The throwing spear was not discarded dagger Ex:  The other problem plays are marked below with a double dagger . vouge lance Ex:  Put the lance pike Ex:  Freshwater fish such as pike shaft Ex:  On a bicycle with shaft drive penalty Ex:  Some of the players claimed a penalty but the refree told them to play on. sentence Ex:  Change the sentence into a different voice award Ex:  The award paid special tribute to the BBC Micro's advanced design criminal Ex:  Greyhounds assist the police in criminal detection. punishment Ex:  an apologist for capital punishment rod Ex:  I'll take the expensive fishing rod . shot Ex:  They shot 1.hostages in reprisal. column Ex:  I saw a column of smoke erupt from the building.

Word of the day
(ईठी) eethee Transliteration : iiThii

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