Deeply meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Deeply
As noun : बहुत ही Ex:  Mandela identified deeply with the film".
As adverb :
अजहद Ex:  I have gone very deeply into the research of this new medicine. अटपट Ex:  He felt deeply wronged by the charges. अपिच्छिल Ex:  He was deeply resentful of her interference. अमीक Ex:  dived deeply उदूढ Ex:  She loves her husband deeply उद्गगाढ Ex:  It was a deeply thoughtful essay. ऊँडा Ex:  John is deeply in love with Mary . औंड़ा Ex:  Chiang was deeply critical of the Kuomintang-Communist Party United Front काफ़ी Ex:  This split the governing Liberal Party deeply कोटिशह Ex:  The war remained deeply unpopular in Quebec गहरा Ex:  The pustules are deeply embedded in the dermis उ:   भूषण का अपने देश के प्रति गहरा लगाव था। गहराई में Ex:  The carvings on the architrave were deeply tied to the liturgy. गहरापन Ex:  Bhutanese tradition is deeply steeped in its Buddhist heritage . गहिर Ex:  Johann Sebastian Bach was deeply influenced by Vivaldi's concertos and arias . गहीरो, गहीरौ Ex:  I was so deeply moved that I reread the work several times. गाढ रूप से Ex:  Adams avoided war but deeply split his own party in the process. गाढ़ रूप से Ex:  Wilde was deeply impressed by the English writers John Ruskin दूरारूढ Ex:  More deeply learned than any King of his time in the western world". बहुत अधिक Ex:  Norway, and Denmark is a deeply personal travel narrative. बहुत नीचा Ex:  Paraguay's culinary heritage is also deeply influenced by this cultural fusion. बेतरह Ex:  Figures deeply influenced by his work include W. H. Auden भूरी Ex:  Beethoven left the concert deeply moved. मुखचपलात Ex:  He was deeply influenced by both Cubist and Futurist trends. मौखर्य Ex:  " His beliefs deeply influenced the Rastafari लोलुव Ex:  These commentators believe that the book is deeply ironic व्यायत Ex:  Have they forgotten that God cares deeply about the downtrodden? सुभृश, सुभृष Ex:  It is so, so deeply distressing.
Other : गहराई तक Ex:  Badiou's theory of truth is deeply rooted in his mathematical ontology बेहद Ex:  Leibniz was deeply interested in the new methods and conclusions of Descartes उ:   वो अब बेहद समृद्ध हो गए हैं।
Deeply ki paribhasha : paani jisamen jamin bahut andar jaakar mile
Deeply synonyms
severely sadly passionately thoroughly profoundly seriously surely acutely genuinely affectingly distressingly feelingly gravely mournfully movingly to the quick
Deeply antonyms
lightly incompletely little slightly
Usage of Deeply in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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