Meaning of (उदूढ) udoodha in english

As noun : wed Ex:  Anne is wed to one of my cousins .
m Ex:  Our school building stands 50 m high. married Ex:  my sister married a musician sovereign Ex:  Rome is unique in its containing two other sovereign entities. self governing Ex:  By the late nineteenth century it was fully self governing in most senses. extended Ex:  they took an extended tour of Europe elongated Ex:  The cannons during this period were elongated drawn out tall Ex:  After nearly being passed over for being too tall , she won the part. elevated Ex:  Nikolai Ryzhkov and Yegor Ligachev were elevated on the high side high Ex:  I'm afraid Betsy has a high fever . humongous whopping Ex:  they all were whopping drunk thumping Ex:  She could hear somebody thumping at the door. walloping sweeping Ex:  In some cases this will also feature sweeping lawns and scattered trees banging Ex:  Someone is banging away at the door . weighted Ex:  The resistance involved is often a weighted object such as a medicine ball load Ex:  The maximum load for this truck is one ton. husky Ex:  , a husky voice, slightly husky, A voice that has a part of its timbre and its brightness almighty great Ex:  The player fielded the ball with great agility. thick Ex:  We were in the thick of the talk. fat Ex:  I like to watch the fat cats go by in their BMWs . material Ex:  There is some fecal material lying on this road. round Ex:  I saw a scrimmage round the bargain counter. rough Ex:  Lumber is supplied either rough or finished. broad Ex:  The four broad heraldic styles are German-Nordic embonpoint huge Ex:  The company has suffered huge losses. enormously Ex:  He remains enormously popular and well-known all over the world monumentally mountain Ex:  Santosh Yadav is a great mountain climber. heaps more heavily Ex:  It seems to be going to rain heavily today. excess Ex:  In either case there is a relative excess of α chains fit to burst a great many Ex:  Calvin imagines himself as a great many things only too Ex:  So I'm sure she'll be only too pleased to see you . no end of frightfully a good many Ex:  Mary owns a good many acres of land . so Ex:  The child was so startled that he could not move. piping Ex:  The bird is piping a song on the tree. ever more Ex:  Cumulatively, this effect becomes ever more significant over time manys the
As verb : wedded Ex:  The mayor was wedded to the new budget plan . prolonged Ex:  We prolonged our stay long Ex:  the company had a long payroll protracted Ex:  Others contend that he was felled by a protracted illness such as pneumonia. coarsen swingeing
As adjective : autonomous Ex:  About 3.53 million people live in the autonomous city of Buenos Aires lanky Ex:  Over six feet in height and lanky loud Ex:  If you know the answer, please say it out loud . massive Ex:  The electron is by far the least massive of these particles at 9.11 g onerous Ex:  He has to do onerous duties. cumbersome Ex:  Although initially cumbersome and with a low success rate clumsy Ex:  Brusilov by merely omitting the usual clumsy preparations heavy Ex:  His father is a heavy drinker.
She is a coffee drinker.
fierce Ex:  Roosevelt married Eleanor despite the fierce resistance of his mother. strong Ex:  She has strong musical bent. burdensome Ex:  burdensome load throaty Ex:  He has a throaty voice. leaden Ex:  a leaden weight weighty Ex:  A weighty burden of considerable weight costly Ex:  The rich have the propensity to spend on costly items. severe Ex:  Flat smallpox is accompanied by a severe prodromal phase that lasts 3–4 days nasty Ex:  It's a nasty plague hefty buxom physical Ex:  Three out of five mentally ill die from mostly preventable physical diseases. burly Ex:  It is cut in Hercules, it has a burly considerable Ex:  It takes considerable historical liberties. most Ex:  He most his pen. substantial Ex:  The most substantial of these activities is the firing range
As adverb : aloft above Ex:  None of us is above the law . dearly Ex:  She loved him dearly too Ex:  The mole was detected too late. hugely Ex:  The Geology of Europe is hugely varied and complex vastly Ex:  Children from vastly different social backgrounds mingle here. obscenely agonizingly mightily Ex:  They stumbled mightily the next season however prohibitively Ex:  Studying in convent schools is becoming prohibitively expensive. deeply Ex:  She loves her husband deeply extravagantly devilishly Ex:  This is a man devilishly stubborn highly Ex:  It is a highly ambitious schedule.
He is highly ambitious.
immoderately Ex:  Work immoderately immensely Ex:  The spouge industry grew immensely by the end of the 1970s badly Ex:  He fared badly in exams. widely Ex:  her work is widely known hellishly dreadfully heartily Ex:  He said that yes then heartily disgustingly
Suggested : Government
self-governing independent subject to its own laws only united in wedlock wedded united in matrimony married the thirteenth letter of the English alphabet, a consonant to marry (another person) in a formal ceremony
Exampleउदूढ का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(उदूढ) udoodha can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : uduuDha

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