Mightily meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Mightily
As adverb :
अजहद Ex:  he strove mightily to achieve a better position in life उदूढ Ex:  They stumbled mightily the next season however कोटिशह जोर से बहुत अधिक बेतरह भूरी मुखचपलात मौखर्य लोलुव सुभृश, सुभृष
Mightily ki paribhasha : jo parimaan men alp ya nyoon na ho
Mightily synonyms
intensely greatly mighty decidedly exceedingly highly notably hugely surpassingly strongly strenuously vigorously energetically arduously forcibly hard hardly laboriously powerfully lustily might and main with all one's strength
Mightily antonyms
little weakly
Usage of Mightily in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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