Deficit meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Deficit
As noun : आय की कमी Ex:  6-2, 6-4, overcoming an 0-3 deficit in the final set.
कमी न्यूनता Ex:  In those patients with a deficit in BH4 production कमी Ex:  The public sector deficit is becoming a problem. उ:   जौनपुर जिले मे खनिजों की कमी है। कृशत्व Ex:  Luxembourg has run a budget deficit for the first time in many years खिफ्फत Ex:  California is facing a $16 billion budget deficit for the 2008-09 budget year. घाटा Ex:  Average annual rainfall is 660mm , with a notable deficit in summer. उ:   अतः निर्यात एजेसियों को घाटा उठाना पडा। घाटे का बजट Ex:  With the Americans facing a 5-11 deficit छीति Ex:  Despite a widening merchandise trade deficit ज्यानी Ex:  Only one year of deficit was recorded टोटा Ex:  These loans are targeted at reducing the budget deficit तखफोफ Ex:  China runs a trade deficit with Taiwan and South Korea परिहाणि Ex:  Arizona's projected 1.7 billion deficit for '09 is the largest in the country. प्रहाणि Ex:  The fiscal deficit is expected to be 3.8% of GDP प्रहाणि Ex:  The fiscal deficit is expected to be 3.8% of GDP
Other : हीनता Ex:  Compared to 1985, the state deficit grew from 0 to 109 billion rubles हीनार्थ Ex:  1.057 million is attributed to birth deficit
Deficit ki paribhasha : momabatti ka jalane se bacha hua tukad jise laabh na hua ho pramaan ke ayogy saakshi naav aadi se utarane ke liye kinaare ka sthaan
Deficit synonyms
loss shortfall scantiness default lack inadequacy paucity deficiency insufficiency shortcoming arrears dues in the red underage defalcation dead horse due bill in hock in the hole insufficience red ink
Deficit antonyms
advantage perfection satisfaction success abundance enough plenty adequacy sufficiency superfluousness excess
Usage of Deficit in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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