Meaning of (छीति) chheeti in english

As noun : tort Ex:  The tort is a fact of nature, but not voluntary
detriment Ex:  Roll on someone's body is said in the same direction as the previous one, and in a figurative sense, it means Obtain an advantage to the detriment of someone harm Ex:  Although the desirable software itself may do no harm loss Ex:  Germany's loss of territories in China following World War I ill Ex:  Scotland during 1947-1948 while critically ill with tuberculosis. damage Ex:  The damage to small blood vessels leads to a microangiopathy deficit Ex:  Despite a widening merchandise trade deficit loss Ex:  Germany's loss of territories in China following World War I write off evil Ex:  He said specifically, in religious terms, the internal movement which excites man to evil wickedness mischief backbiting fault Ex:  fault badness cancer Ex:  The cancer had spread to the brain, impairing his mental abilities.
Suggested : injury or harm that reduces value or usefulness of unsound physical or mental health unwell sick detriment, disadvantage, or deprivation from failure to keep, have, or get physical injury or mental damage hurt loss, damage, disadvantage, or injury
Exampleछीति का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(छीति) chheeti can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : Chiiti

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