Disastrous meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Disastrous
As adjective : अनर्थकारी Ex:  She went to see the shocking sight after the disastrous flood.
अनाभ्युदयिक Ex:  The result was near disastrous losses for Allied air power अभागा Ex:  As part of an effort to shed the image left after the disastrous 1967 riot अमंगलकारी Ex:  A disastrous economic situation अमंगलिक Ex:  After the disastrous occupation and loss of Le Havre in 1562–1563 अल्पभाग्य Ex:  Peter's campaign in the Ottoman Empire was disastrous असंपत्ति Ex:  On the other hand, inexperienced crossbreeders can produce disastrous results. उपहतक Ex:  The potential for disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist". कर्महीन Ex:  So the disastrous Great Retreat from Moscow began चपरगट्ट Ex:  Coke made disastrous investments in The South Sea Company. जनमजला Ex:  The first half of the season was disastrous त्यक्तश्री Ex:  Edward II, who was also occupied with a disastrous conflict with the nobility. दईजार, दईजारा Ex:  The new emigré's architectural life in New Zealand had a disastrous beginning. दुर्घटनापूर्ण Ex:  The season proved to be yet another disastrous one दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण Ex:  This proved disastrous for the already declining economy. दैवहीन Ex:  Some of the 'solutions' have been disastrous to the environment नसीबजला Ex:  The resulting Winter War proved disastrous for the Soviet military. नाशक Ex:  This condition would have disastrous results when he fought at Waterloo उ:   यह सुन्दरता वृद्धि के अलावा अनेक स्त्रीरोग नाशक है। नासक Ex:  The middle of December was disastrous for the British army. निबर्हण Ex:  The disastrous outcome निरभाग Ex:  The disastrous reception of his Symphony No 1 पणासी Ex:  The civil war spawned a disastrous humanitarian crisis in Angola पापगति Ex:  Cromwell was followed in 1828 by the disastrous Amy Robsart पेस्वर Ex:  It still means Who produces great misfortunes, with disastrous consequences प्राणहर Ex:  MALHEUREUX means by extension, speaking of things, which is unfortunate, disastrous फुटेरा Ex:  PLAGUE be said, figuratively, of some pernicious and disastrous things that corrupt the hearts and minds बदनसीव Ex:  The effects of the maximum could only be disastrous बदबखत Ex:  événement disastrous बेनसीब भंजिता मथिता मर्द्दन मेटक लक्षणभ्रष्ट विक्षीणक विध्वंसकारी विध्वंसात्मक विनाशक उ:   आईएनएस सिंधुराष्ट्र एस६५ भारतीय नौसेना की शत्रु विनाशक पनडुब्बी है। विनाशकारी उ:   रूस का विद्रोह नेपोलियन के लिए विनाशकारी सिद्ध हुआ। विपद्कारी विपद्युक्त विपातक विभाड़ वैशस शामतजदा सत्यानासी समाहर सर्वनाशी सुर्दुभग हतदैव हतभागी हतविधि हिंस्त्र दुःखद
Other : अमंगल Ex:  Antony's campaign against Parthia turned disastrous विनाशी
Disastrous ki paribhasha : vyarth kaam karanevaala
Disastrous synonyms
dreadful destructive unfortunate catastrophic calamitous terrible harmful adverse cataclysmic tragic dire ill-fated unfavorable fateful ruinous fatal hapless luckless unlucky unpropitious untoward cataclysmal ill-starred
Disastrous antonyms
wonderful assisting helpful fortunate lucky advantageous trivial unimportant healthful miraculous successful triumphant winning wondrous aiding good happy blessed favorable nice life-giving prosperous
Usage of Disastrous in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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