Disengage meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Disengage
As verb : अलग करना Ex:  Horthy made a token effort to disengage Hungary from the war.
अलग होना Ex:  Action or disengage result of this action अहुटानापु Ex:  If disengage its links उज्जृंभ Ex:  It is also said disengage उपसंहरण Ex:  SE means specially DISCUSSION Make hard to resist, to disengage ऊषरना Ex:  The embrace of the opposition was so strong that he could not disengage छुड़ाना या मुक्त करना Ex:  We had difficulty to disengage from under his horse, under the rubble where he was buried तुड़ा़ना निरभियोजन करना फीटना बगलियान बिभिनाना ‡ बिरराना बिलगाना बिलगाना मूकना लुंच, लुंचन विचाल वियुक्त करना श्रथन संछेद संप सन्यासन सम्बन्ध तोड‌़ना
Other : छुडाना Ex:  Unleashing a stone, disengage the cable that was used to hoist छोडना
Disengage synonyms
disconnect disentangle extricate dissociate withdraw back off detach liberate loosen disjoin divide disassociate separate ease unbind undo uncouple untie unloose disunite release abstract unfasten back out cut loose cut out drop out opt out pull the plug set free unfix weasel out
Disengage antonyms
connect couple link entangle combine unite fasten attach join collect gather hold keep maintain bind engage
Usage of Disengage in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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