Meaning of (छोडना) muskuraana in english

As verb : launch
Other :
relieve Ex:  substantively, He took care much to relieve the needy उ:   उसकी मृत्यु या त्यागपत्र की दशा मे समस्त परिषद को पद छोडना पडता है। to let alone waiver Ex:  Age Exemption, Exemption or waiver of the conditions to the age requirements for a examination, a contest to spur Ex:  This horse in the mouth is strong, he has no mouth, He did not obey the jaws; and He has neither mouth nor spur, It is very hard in the mouth and to spur to free Ex:  General José de San Martín crossed the Andes to free Chile and Peru blow off to recede to emit Ex:  It is also known as the property of some body to emit light when they were subjected to light radiation or when they have undergone certain mechanical actions waive Ex:  franking discharge, hold harmless, waive vacate Ex:  means a tenant or farmer having to vacate the premises in a while to waive renounce Ex:  In Devotion language, To relive the grace, we must die to sin, must fully renounce sin, if you will return to a state of grace to shed Ex:  of both genders who likes to shed human blood eschew Ex:  Many modern poets eschew recognisable structures or forms throw over to except Ex:  The exception proves the rule, the need where one is to except the special cases in which a law, a maxim, a rule is applicable point proves that it should apply in all other cases to disengage to release Ex:  The loss of hydraulic fluid caused the tail-hook to release to spare Ex:  Before dealing with this enemy ally of yesterday, it will be good to spare the Transition disclaim demit disengage emit Ex:  Krill are often referred to as light-shrimp because they can emit light absolve Ex:  Every priest has power to absolve in case of danger of death to excuse Ex:  So to say works when one wants to weaken that there may be exaggerated in expression that is used, or to excuse what she has extraordinary, unusual to to eschew to disclaim to disgorge Ex:  Small device used to make the milk of a nurse is to feed a child, or to disgorge breast to leave Ex:  I don't want you to leave . to vacate to miss Ex:  It is sometimes said, figuratively and joke, the people who are prone to miss the propriety of World loosen Ex:  Spikes in wooden ties can loosen over time to flee Ex:  2,000–5,000 people were killed and 60,000–70,000 forced to flee the capital to fling to discharge Ex:  The valets are obliged to discharge their goods in such place to evacuate Ex:  It still means Action to evacuate a country, a place of war, as a result of a treaty, capitulation, etc to loosen Ex:  Spruce Key, harpsichord, piano, harp, instrument used to rotate the ankles of a spruce, a harpsichord, piano, harp, for tender or to loosen the strings flee Ex:  2,000–5,000 people were killed and 60,000–70,000 forced to flee the capital evacuate Ex:  It still means Action to evacuate a country, a place of war, as a result of a treaty, capitulation, etc void Ex:  The will is void in the background and in the form vent Ex:  , Gnaw at the bit, Restraining his anger, resentment in yourself and do not give vent to the outside
Suggested : to give up or put aside voluntarily to give up possession or occupancy of (of the wind or air) to be in motion an intentional relinquishment of some right, interest, or the like to ease or alleviate (pain, distress, anxiety, need, etc)
Exampleछोडना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(छोडना) muskuraana can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. Transliteration : ChoDanaa

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