Clear example sentences

Assertiveness is a behaviour or skill that helps to communicate, clearly and confidently, our feelings, needs, wants, and thoughts.The effective nuclear charge experienced by a valence electron in an atom will be less than the actual charge on the nucleus because of shielding or screening of the valence electron from the nucleus by the intervening core electrons.He tells Paheli that he drank water which looked clear and was without any smell, but still he fell sick ! Paheli explains that water which looks clean may still have diseasecarrying microorganisms and dissolved impurities.The forests have been cleared to create agricultural land and to settle migrants from Pakistan after partition.These fuels undergo nuclear fission in nuclear reactors and emit power.Suppose an attitude (say, towards nuclear research) has to be expressed on a 5-point scale, ranging from 1 ( ery bad), 2 (Bad), 3 (Neutral — neither good nor bad), and 4 (Good), to 5 ( ery good).Farmers clear a patch of land and produce cereals and other food crops to sustain their family.A few years later a large area of forest was cleared on the banks of the river Subarnarekha to set up the factory and an industrial township Jamshedpur.Therefore, it is becoming clear that there is a strong link between economic growth and poverty reduction.Both fire and water had clearly taken their toll on this desk.Even though we had rented an apartment nearby, I would go over to watch them clear away debris, hoping that my cat was somewhere to be found.Clearly, its value is greater than We need not always go through the round effects in order to compute the value of the money multiplier.It is clear that a model does not describe an actual economy in detail.The clearing of cheques generally takes few days especially in case of outstation cheques or when the cheques are paid-in at a bank branch other than the one at which the account of the firm is maintained.The nuclear power stations in India are located in Kalpakkam in Tamilnadu, Tarapur in Maharastra, Ranapratap Sagar near Kota in Rajasthan, Narora in Uttar Pradesh and Kaiga in Karnataka.

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