Decision example sentences

It encompasses such activities as thought processes, personal decision making, and focusing on self.That is why all of them deserve to have an equal say in decisions that affect them.Who decided to issue this Memorandum? Clearly, such a big decision could not have been taken by the person who signed that document.The last one, known as the Uruguay Round, was the most comprehensive one in terms of coverage of issues, and also the lengthiest one from the point of view of duration of negotiations which lasted over a period of seven years from 1986 to 199 One of the key achievements of the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations was the decision to set up a permanent institution for looking after the promotion of free and fair trade amongst nations.For example, a decision is to be taken whether a school has to be established in a village.Whenever possible and necessary, citizens should be able to participate in decision making, that affects them all.So, they can be very quick and efficient in decision making and implementation.Do you remember the story of the Office Memorandum with which we started this chapter? We found out that the person who signed the document did not take this decision.A communication issued by an appropriate authority stating the policy or decision of the government.This decision was supported by powerful international organisations.This requires a constant effort to save and strengthen democratic forms of decision making.Thirdly, and most importantly, in a large number of situations society (or the State, or the people as a whole) had decided to pursue certain important social goals unselfishly (in areas like employment, administration, defence, education and health) for which some of the aggregate effects of the microeconomic decisions made by the individual economic agents needed to be modified.A decision-maker requires up-to-date, accurate and timely information.He appoints the judges and can change any of their decisions.Understandability means decision-makers must interpret accounting information in the same sense as it is prepared and conveyed to them.

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