Hope example sentences

Skilled, spirited and hopeful young people endowed with a positive outlook are the future of any nation.” But in the hearts of all who lived in that solitary house in the middle of the valley, there was a single hope: help from God.May God give you both — His help and His love and so on, and so much hope.This also encourages people to send their children, including the girl child, to schools in the hope of getting better economic returns from investing in education.Hopefully we will be able to provide the minimum “necessary” in terms of only income to all people by the end of the next decade.Her heart was throbbing with a new hope and a new life.Their faces would kindle in her longings, dreams, and hopes.She hoped that one of these girls might become her friend.He wasn t exactly a boy ; he was in his early forties, having entered the studios years ago in the hope of becoming a star actor or a top screen writer, director or lyrics writer.Thus, the poverty cycle involves an interaction between the factors mentioned above, and results in declining individual motivation, hope, and sense of control.Over time, as news of employment spread, workers travelled great distances in the hope of work in the mills.The fishworkers in the Tawa Matsya Sangh hope that the provisions of the Constitution will become a reality through their participation in this movement.They hoped to get to the top of the hill before dark.The packing was done at 1 50; and Harris sat on the big hamper, and said he hoped nothing would be found broken.Feelings of hopelessness are related to worsening of disease, increased risk of injury and death due to various causes.

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