Hope meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hope
As noun : आकांशा Ex:  I hope mother has made all provisions for our journey.
आशंसिता Ex:  I hope the sunny weather keeps up. आशा Ex:  Drift-wood was the only hope for him to save himself from drowing. उ:   आशा है आप स्वस्थ होंगे । आस Ex:  Dont ever hope for marital bliss. उ:   ये हर साल दीपावली के आस पास आयोजित होता है। आसा करना Ex:  If you work without systematization, you cannot hope to get good results. उमेद Ex:  hand in hand with hope went fear उम्मीद करना Ex:  I hope Nancy will go out with me . उम्मीद Ex:  I hope they don't bomb the village out . उ:   वह कहा जिसकी उस समय कोई उम्मीद नहीं कर सकता था। उम्मीदे Ex:  I hope that the doctor broke the news gently . निर्भर करना Ex:  I hope everything is going along well . महदाशा Ex:  It is the hope of government that if properly monitored मानपरेखा Ex:  I hope my memory lives on . व्यपाश्रय Ex:  In 1313, Henry VII died, and with him any hope for Dante to see Florence again. व्यपेक्षण Ex:  "I am still hoping against hope for that new girl". संप्रतीक्षा Ex:  All others will be destroyed with no hope of resurrection.
As verb : आशा करना Ex:  it produced a resurrection of hope
Other : अरमान Ex:  Indias hope of a gold medal rested on P.T.Usha. आकांक्षा Ex:  My hope to travel in flight is dwindling उ:   कभी आकांक्षा के स्तर नीचे हैं तो कभी चरित्र दोष होता है। आशंसा Ex:  I hope she becomes a good doctor after completing her MB. आशा , इच्छा , अभिलाषा Ex:  I hope you are not getting bored listening to me. आश्रय Ex:  His hope for getting the job flickered out by his poor performance at the interview. उ:   यही भाव उन्हें प्रतीकों का आश्रय लेने पर बाध्य करता है। आश्वसन Ex:  I hope their is no infection in labia of your daughter. आसरा Ex:  I hope you will return my book soon.
She never returned me my books.
Good men return good for evil.
She could not return his affection.
Only an expert could have returned that ball.
उम्मीद होना Ex:  I hope no one blows the story up . उम्मेद Ex:  I hope our new product catches on with children . उ:   उम्मेद सागर बाँध राजस्थान के जोधपुर जिले का एक बाँध है। खंडित Ex:  I hope we can come together on a price . उ:   हिन्दू शास्त्रों के अनुसार खंडित मूर्ति की पूजा वर्जित है। भरोसा करना Ex:  Realising that he had no hope of defeating Manuel
Hope ki paribhasha : vah dhaarana jo man men kisi vyakti ke prati usaka sadbhaava, hitaishitaa, satyataa, dradhata aadi athava kisi siddhaant aadi ki satyata athava uttamata ka gyaan hone ke kaaran hoti hai lene ya paane ki ichchha prakat karana kisi se sahaayata paane ka nishchay apraapt ke paane ki ichchha aur thod bahut nishchay
Usage of Hope in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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