Hostility example sentences

For instance, the relationship between hostility and anger and CHD is not found to be the same in all cultures, (e.g., in India and China).During this stage, the male child experiences the Oedipus Complex, which involves love for the mother, hostility towards the father, and the consequent fear of punishment or castration by the father (Oedipus was a Greek king who unknowingly killed his father and then married his mother).But the initial enthusiasm soon turned to hostility, as it became clear that the new administrative arrangements did not go hand in hand with political freedom.Psychological stress is accompanied by negative emotions and associated behaviours, including depression, hostility, anger and aggression.The land and property of Muslims was confiscated on a large scale and they were treated with suspicion and hostility.Deep resentment toward parents or basic hostility occurs due to this anxiety.People who learn prejudiced attitudes may develop a 'prejudiced personality', and show low adjusting capacity, anxiety, and feelings of hostility against the outgroup.

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