Increased example sentences

It conspicuously involves increased protoplasmic material.It is obvious from the table that both the exports and imports of services relating to foreign travel, transportation and insurance have increased spectacularly during the last four decades.The literacy rates have increased from 18% in 1951 to 65% in 200 Literacy is not only a right, it is also needed if the citizen are to perform their duties and enjoy their right properly.In other words, each participant put in less effort as the group size increased.In percentage terms, the population of the Hindus, Jains and Christians has declined marginally since 196 The proportion of Muslim, Sikh and Buddhist population has increased slightly.For example, in case of construction companies and automobile manufacturers, low longer-term rates are beneficial because they result in increased spending by consumers for buying homes and cars on borrowed money.Due to increased cross border trade and investments, countries are no more isolated.Larger number of herbivores means increased availability of food for a variety of carnivores.This aggressive behaviour increased to such an extent that ultimately the animals died in large numbers, thus decreasing the population in the enclosure.The quality of their livestock has deteriorated, dietary standards have fallen and indebtedness has increased.When blood pressure is increased, ANF is secreted which causes dilation of the blood vessels.Industrial production increased (between 1929 and 1933 by 100 per cent in the case of oil, coal and steel).During the first half of the seventeenth century, however, the influence of Brahmanas increased.In Hyderabad, a recent report shows that the department has increased coverage and improved performance in revenue collection.Reports suggest that the area under forest cover has slightly increased in recent years.

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