Increased meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Increased
As verb : बढाया है Ex:  The number of Life Peers then gradually increased
Other :
बढ़ा हुआ Ex:  The ski resorts have increased in popularity बढा़ हुआ Ex:  The Russian population increased dramatically as well बढा़या हुआ Ex:  Archaeology also shows increased signs of Arabization and Islamicization. वर्धित Ex:  Industrial production increased by 35%. उ:   इससे एक कम कुशल दहन और वर्धित ईंधन खपत फलित हो सकती है। संवर्धित Ex:  Populations of a few endemic cichlid species have increased again उ:   इसके द्वारा सरकारें अपना राजकोष भी संवर्धित करती हैं।
Usage of Increased in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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