Liberal example sentences

In addition, liberalisation of trade and SUMMING UP investment has facilitated globalisation by removing barriers to trade and investment.Liberals and radicals themselves were often property owners and employers.In essence, this policy has sought to liberate industry from the shackles of the licensing system (liberalisation), drastically reduce the role of the public sector (privatisation) and encourage foreign private participation in India's industrial development (globalisation).Ideas of national unity in early-nineteenth-century Europe were closely allied to the ideology of liberalism.Liberals also opposed the uncontrolled power of dynastic rulers.In other parts of Europe where independent nation-states did not yet exist – such as Germany, Italy, Poland, the Austro-Hungarian Empire – men and women of the liberal middle classes combined their demands for constitutionalism with national unification.Some nationalists, liberals and radicals wanted revolutions to put an end to the kind of governments established in Europe in 181 In France, Italy, Germany and Russia, they became revolutionaries and worked to overthrow existing monarchs.This has been made possible by the rapid advancement in technology and liberal trade policies by Governments.Removing barriers or restrictions set by the government is what is known as liberalisation.But the liberals as well as socialists among them worked towards an elected government.Interestingly, at the time when Sorrieu created this image, the German peoples did not yet exist as a united nation – the flag they carry is an expression of liberal hopes in 1848 to unify the numerous German-speaking principalities into a nation-state under a democratic constitution.Besides the general principles of trade liberalisation, GATT also includes certain special agreements evolved to deal with specific non-tariff barriers.At the international level, WTO has put pressure on developing countries to liberalise trade and investment.Conservatives were opposed to radicals and liberals.By the last quarter of the nineteenth century nationalism no longer retained its idealistic liberal-democratic sentiment of the first half of the century, but became a narrow creed with limited ends.

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