Petty example sentences

To avoid this, large organisations normally appoint one more cashier (petty cashier) and maintain a separate cash book to record these transactions.(In certain cases, the petty cash system is operated through the main cash book itself.His Oliver Twist (1838) is the tale of a poor orphan who lived in a world of petty criminals and beggars.At times, there may be no documentary for certain items as in case of petty expenses.Many of the Muslims who went to Pakistan were artisans, petty traders and labourers.The petty cashier goes on making all small payments out of this imprest amount and when he has spent the substantial portion of the imprest amount say Rs.But even so, the business was not especially profitable, so he had to resort to both begging and petty thievery to keep body and soul together.The petty cash book generally has a number of columns for the amount on the payment side (credit) besides the first other amount column.They are small producers or petty traders who carry the products on a bicycle or handcart or on their heads and move from place to place, to sell their goods at the doorstep of the customers.Cheap jacks are those petty retailers who have independent shops of a temporary nature in a business location.Cheap jacks are petty retailers who have independent shops of a temporary nature in a business locality.It is debited with the amount given to petty cashier.2,000 is given to the petty cashier at the beginning of a certain period.Each expense account is individually debited with the periodic total as per the respective column by writing “petty cash account” and the petty cash account is credited with the total expenditure incurred during the period by writing sundries as per petty cash book.They lived near the woods, cultivated small patches of land, engaged in a variety of petty trades and took care of their herds.

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