Proper example sentences

In fact all the factories and big property in Poland were owned by the government.Improper handling of this column may cause the Errors of Principle in accounting.Then we did not even care to brush our teeth or wash our mouths properly.Soaps are molecules in which the two ends have differing properties, one is hydrophilic, that is, it dissolves in water, while the other end is hydrophobic, that is, it dissolves in hydrocarbons.Mendeleev arranged elements in horizontal rows and vertical columns of a table in order of their increasing atomic weights in such a way that the elements with similar properties occupied the same vertical column or group.These two different structures result in diamond and graphite having very different physical properties even though their chemical properties are the same.Proper presentation of the bill means that it should be presented on the date of maturity to the acceptor during business working hours.A molar property, ?m, is the value of an extensive property ? of the system for 1 mol of the substance.So they began dividing and enclosing common land and building hedges around their holdings to separate their property from that of others.The British believed that a country had to be properly known before it could be effectively administered.If not maintained properly, trade secrets can get divulged to others in the foreign markets.Further, Set Default value property of Text Box to the left of label oucher No.The land and property of Muslims was confiscated on a large scale and they were treated with suspicion and hostility.The format of date may be modified by selecting General date, Medium date, Short date or Long date from format property of this control.This column is meant to store the Phone number of the employee and its data type is set to Text with field size equal to 1 The Required property is set to No with Allow Zero Length property set to Yes to imply that null values are permitted for this field because many employees may not have phone numbers.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English