Proper meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Proper
As noun : औपयिक Ex:  the proper amount and distribution of electrolytes in the body is essential for health
ठीक Ex:  With the proper use of prevention drugs उ:   वो ठीक होने के लिए अपने घर वापस आ जाता है। प्रणाय्य Ex:  These information is required for proper system stabilzation प्राप्तरूप Ex:  The population of the city proper is 560,484 . मुस्तकीम Ex:  The covariant version of the four-force is: where is the proper time. मुस्तहकिम Ex:  There is some disagreement over the proper etymology of the name "Arizona". योक्तिक Ex:  Manila is the second most populous city proper in the Philippines रैट Ex:  The kingdom of Poland proper वैध ‡ Ex:  The city proper is administratively known as the Municipality of Bucharest सप्रमाण Ex:  He neglected to add a species name to form a proper binomial समुढ़ Ex:  Some economic liberals see no proper function of government सारुप्य Ex:  The remnants of the GIA proper were hunted down over the next two years सार्थवत् Ex:  This was as there were no proper health facilities . सुपर्याप्त Ex:  be vacant, n ' be occupied point, not being completed; he thought proper jobs, fillers, dignities, benefits, etc सुहूँ Ex:  By extension, it means that is absolutely regular, proper सेँठा Ex:  Fame, Fate are considered proper names when they are personified सौँधी Ex:  Find the proper expression, the right word हस्तदक्षिण Ex:  Having the memory of words, proper names, people, facts, sounds, etc
As adjective : अकालवेला Ex:  The poor suffer even from the deprivation of right to proper housing. उचित Ex:  The assignments should be done in a proper form. उ:   मंडप के आधार के लिए उचित खंभे खड़े किए जाएँ। उपावृत्त Ex:  Make a proper sentence. ऊचित Ex:  They must have applied proper dressing on the particulars wound ओचित्यपूर्ण Ex:  One should use only proper fish knife and fork to eat fish at dining table. जाँ वँ Ex:  Definite nouns include all proper nouns निश्चितार्थ Ex:  E. coli can be killed by proper cooking times न्यायसारिणी Ex:  The city proper is home to more than 1.2 million people मुनासिब Ex:  Note that the scripts mentioned above are not considered proper alphabets मौजूँ Ex:  As a proper name it means "The Auspicious One" यथाप्रदिष्ट Ex:  The population of the city proper including suburbs 1.08 million people. यथार्ह Ex:  The Charles River separates Boston proper from Cambridge युक्तरूप Ex:  Such collections later became known as proper classes. वैध ‡ Ex:  The city proper is administratively known as the Municipality of Bucharest व्यक्ति वाचक Ex:  Of those, 52 had been given proper names. संप्रयोजित Ex:  50.5% of the population within the city of Edmonton proper is female समुपयुवत Ex:  The territory of Cabinda is north of Angola proper सम्यक्प्रयोग Ex:  As the Great Serb Migrations have depopulated most of Kosovo and Serbia proper सागम Ex:  42.8% of the residents of the city proper belong to a visible minority group साधुमात्रा Ex:  The fields were divided into three areas: the Moorfields proper सारुप्य Ex:  The remnants of the GIA proper were hunted down over the next two years सुसंनत Ex:  be well under arms Having good looks, good grace, when one is armed, when standing with his weapon or weapons in the proper attitude सु्चारु Ex:  DOCTOR says sometimes figuratively Ce which is proper to make or keep health सौँधी Ex:  Find the proper expression, the right word
Other : उपयुक्त Ex:  Food should be masticated for proper digetion. उ:   अतः ये प्रदेश खेती के लिए उपयुक्त थे। चौकस Ex:  Until 1869 all buildings within the city proper were of wood or rushes जायज़ Ex:  The proper environmental conditions must exist for germination. ठेठ Ex:  God is also given a proper name उ:   यहाँ पर मुख्यतः ठेठ बुंदेली बोली जाती है। बजा Ex:  New seminaries were established for the proper training of priests रास्त Ex:  The city proper ranks 14th in the United States. वाजिब Ex:  The city proper has a population of well over a million inhabitants सगा Ex:  Belmopan proper is a mix of ethnicities including Kriols समीचीन Ex:  While the city proper has a population of about half a million उ:   किंतु यह समीचीन नहीं प्रतीत होता। समुचित Ex:  Some of them are proper built houses उ:   इसमें समाकलन की सीमा समुचित रूप से ली जा सकती है। सही Ex:  Kentucky never had a proper U.S. survey उ:   सही ऊंचाई समुद्र तल से ऊपर की वास्तविक ऊंचाई है। सुचारू Ex:  Adjust business, Place in a proper order उ:   नगर सुचारू रूप से सड़कों से जुड़ा हुआ है। स्वभाविक अपना Ex:  Grammar and Administration Pertaining to proper names
Proper ki paribhasha : jo snbndh men apane hi kul ka ho kisi kaam men lagaaye jaane ke upayukt bina milaavat ka shuddh upayog men laaya hua jaisa thik hona chaahie, vaisa jaisa hona chaahiye vaisa
Usage of Proper in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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