Meaning of (उपावृत्त) upavaृtta in english

As noun : worth Ex:  Data sets representing entire genomes' worth of DNA sequences
good Ex:  Sheela inherited hae mothers good looks. regular Ex:  Martin studied theology but never had a regular pastoral call. right Ex:  Rhombus is a quadrilateral whose all sides are equal,but no angle is right angle. acceptable Ex:  Hold acceptable to be one for meriting worth salt up street right up street profit Ex:  Mercantilism was a system of trade for profit due Ex:  Poles and buildings came down due to cyclonic storm. apt rightly Ex:  His lawyer argued rightly the case of self-defense enough Ex:  All the mangoes are ripe enough to eat. well earned just as well perfect Ex:  Koufax struck out 14 batters, the most recorded in a perfect game.
As verb : legitimate Ex:  Having no living legitimate children deem Ex:  It is employed by men of letters or artists to designate those they deem unable to taste or appreciate literary works or works of art becoming Ex:  nowadays child's are becoming cot potato.
As adjective : eligible Ex:  The Adjunct Professors are not eligible for tenure. adequate Ex:  Overall, health services are adequate worthy Ex:  Cruelty worthy cannibals expedient Ex:  It has long broken brains for an expedient able Ex:  A driver must be able to read traffic signs. clever Ex:  She deluded us with her clever talk . desirable Ex:  While these compounds have desirable effects in humans merited susceptible Ex:  Uncovered areas are still susceptible to many STD's. neat deserving Ex:  Well deserving of the fatherland suitable Ex:  When suitable prey arrives near a dragon's ambush site capable Ex:  Domestic chickens are not capable of long distance flight appropriate Ex:  Such foods were also considered appropriate for fast days. reasonable Ex:  Insulin pumps are a reasonable solution for some. applicable Ex:  This hypogene process is applicable to the original copper sulfide deposition seemly fair Ex:  It hosts the annual Art Forum - an international art fair realistic Ex:  the play was staged with ponderously realistic sets rational Ex:  "there has never been a rational basis for objecting to the split infinitive". proper Ex:  Make a proper sentence. convenient Ex:  The terminal building is a small but modern, convenient and clean building. apposite advisable Ex:  It is advisable to always call for a taxi at night, and for isolated spots. valid Ex:  They must be taken into account to construct a valid proof just Ex:  The work would be easily done if you could just mibilise the workers. equitable politic justifiable Ex:  His violence seemed justifiable defensible fit Ex:  Mercantilism was a system of trade for profit sensible Ex:  It is a sensible man
As adverb : decent Ex:  With possessive adjectives, it often means a clean and decent man to what we want, the man we are dealing A man like that must be
Suggested : having necessary power, skill, resources, or qualifications qualified tending to promote some proposed or desired object fit or suitable for the purpose proper under the circumstances having adequate or great merit, character, or value as much or as good as necessary for some requirement or purpose fully sufficient, suitable, or fit (often followed by to or for ) fit or proper to be chosen worthy of choice desirable
Exampleउपावृत्त का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(उपावृत्त) upavaृtta can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : upaavaृtta

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