Reading example sentences

The development of the vernaculars, print and a reading public helped in this process.Thus, we see that there are a variety of ways in which the MNCs are spreading their production and interacting with local producers in various countries across the globe.Detective and mystery novels often had to be printed again and again to meet the demand of readers: some of them were reprinted as many as twenty-two times! The novel also assisted in the spread of silent reading.Should we consider the elections described above as examples of people electing their rulers? Reading these examples we get a sense that we cannot.After reading the two examples above, we realise that there are many different ways of growing up.The present situation in India, where newer forms of money are slowly spreading with computerisation of the banking system, offers many opportunities to students to explore on their own.As we have seen in the case of the south, women and girls were often discouraged from reading novels.Finally, the mode of spreading the message plays a significant role.It has been estimated that a manager spends 90 percent of his time in communicating-reading, writing, listening, guiding, instructing, approving, reprimanding, etc.Although it was apparently written purely for the 'pleasure of reading', this novel also gives some interesting insights into the fears and desires of its reading public.Thus a new phase of history began after 185 While the revolt was spreading in India in 1857, a massive popular uprising was raging in the southern parts of China.It is observed that the ammeter reading decreases to one-half when the length of the wire is doubled.After 20 years of the enactment of COPRA, consumer awareness in India is spreading but slowly.About half an hour later, I turned towards Seven who was lying on his tummy, chin cupped in his palms, reading comics.It invites you to think on your own and come up with your own reading of the challenges, your recipe of how to overcome these and your own definition of democracy.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English