Reel example sentences

The people could not freely choose the leaders of the communist party or the government.There are two aspects of this commitment that has affected its credibility – the ability to convert freely in unlimited amounts and the price at which conversion takes place.For the most part, prairies are treeless but, near the low lying plains, flanking river valleys, woodlands can be found.The tongue is a freely movable muscular organ attached to the floor of the oral cavity by the frenulum.It is also a document of title to the goods and as such is freely transferable by the endorsement and delivery.Governments have tried to gain confidence of potential users by announcing that the national currency will be freely convertible at a fixed price into another asset, over whose value the issuing authority has no control.Let an object of mass, m be made to fall freely from a height, h.But, even today, there are many countries where people cannot express their opinion freely.Let the children talk freely about how they imagine the schools of the future that their own children might go to.Our ideas and personality develop only when we are able to freely communicate with others.As nitrogenous wastes are absent in the dialysing fluid, these substances freely move out, thereby clearing the blood.While these factors of movement can move freely within the country, there exist various restrictions to their movement across nations.On seeing the Russians mingling freely with the rest of the people of the country we were convinced that we had come to a land of real equality.I felt that he too would be singing the same song at the same time long lost brothers of Indian films discover each other by singing the same song in the first reel and in the final reel of the film.For the first time in our lives, we were seeing Europeans mixing freely with Asians.

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