Resolve example sentences

Rather, these problems can be resolved only if we examine their psychological causes.It is a set of concrete responses to stressful situations or events that are intended to resolve the problem and reduce stress.We also look at how disputes regarding these decisions are resolved.No society can fully and permanently resolve conflicts among different groups.These issues have to be understood and resolved at the level of the community rather than the individual.But let us say the people can resolve these difficulties.For example, a child who does not pass successfully through the phallic stage fails to resolve the Oedipal complex and may still feel hostile toward the parent of the same sex.In the second set are included factor like means and not the end, lack of ability to resolve problems, lack of standardised definitions, lack of universally accepted standard levels, and ratios based on unrelated figureures.These debates cannot be resolved in a simple manner.Conflict can also be resolved through negotiations and third party interventions.We now use information from many other sources too to help resolve difficulties in classification.Or they may be well-respected because they treat all persons with dignity and are, therefore, trusted and called upon to resolve issues in the community.How do we resolve such a conflict? The conflict can be solved by brutal power.Warring groups can resolve conflict by trying to find mutually acceptable solutions.The problem of over subscription is finally resolved with the allotment of shares.

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