Shortage example sentences

This also helps resolve the problem of shortage of food during adverse weather conditions or during the periods of calamity.The stores generally face shortage of funds as membership is limited.Individuals in cultures suffering from a shortage of resources may not show a high level of pro-social behaviour.Some people say that the Bengal famine happened because there was a shortage of rice.A shortage of municipal water is often taken as a sign of failure of the government.It creates a shortage of food in the affected areas.The moment we speak of water shortages, we immediately associate it with regions having low rainfall or those that are drought prone.There is a shortage in supply and there are inequalities in distribution.Rampant food shortages, hoarding, black marketing, adulteration of food and edible oil gave birth to the consumer movement in an organised form in the 1960s.All these and the discovery of gold in Klondike and South Africa helped keep deflation at bay till 192 Some economic historians attribute the Great Depression to this shortage of liquidity.As shortages continued, the decision was taken to collectivise farms.The middle class, when faced with water shortages, are able to cope through a variety of private means such as digging borewells, buying water from tankers and using bottled water for drinking.The shortage of water has opened up opportunities for private companies in a big way.Like most areas of the city, Subramanian's apartments in Mylapore suffers from water shortage.It should be understood that the experience of crowding is brought about not merely because of the large number of persons as such, nor merely because of the shortage of space.

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