Shortage meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Shortage
As noun : कमी Ex:  There was a shortage of manpower in the factory. उ:   जौनपुर जिले में खनिजों की कमी है।
कृशत्व Ex:  As important for the overall economy was the shortage of coal खिफ्फत Ex:  The US solution to the pollinator shortage तखफोफ Ex:  Rationing is sometimes used to distribute food in times of shortage प्रहाणि Ex:  While there is a land shortage on the urbanized main island of Tongatapu
Other : अभाव Ex:  there is a shortage of skilled labor in this field उ:   हो सकता है इसके अभाव में समय अधिक लग जाय। अल्पता Ex:  The survey team is taking soundings on the shortage of water supply. ठाला Ex:  Economic growth takes place in spite of a chronic energy shortage न्यूनता Ex:  Food aid can benefit people suffering from a shortage of food.
Shortage ki paribhasha : aadhunik naiyaayikon ke mat ke anusaar vaisheshik shaastr men saatavaaan padaarth
Usage of Shortage in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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