Strip example sentences

The tiger was there, crouched in a corner, full-grown and with a magnificent striped coat.Strips of grass are left to grow between the crops.The Peninsular plateau is flanked by stretch of narrow coastal strips, running along the Arabian Sea on the west and the Bay of Bengal on the east.Till the 1780s, white American settlements were confined to a small narrow strip of coastal land in the east.During history classes, students pore over comic strips of historical periods, enact characters of emperors and tyrants, and have animated discussions on the subject.Peasants cultivated on strips of land around the village they lived in.But ordinary duststorms became black blizzards only because the entire landscape had been ploughed over, stripped of all grass that held it together.The tiger was there, crouched in a corner, full-grown and with a magnificent striped coat.” According to the school principal the comic strip format and visuals appeal to students.At the beginning of each year, at a public meeting, each villager was allocated a number of strips to cultivate.Usually, these strips were of varying quality and often located in different places, not next to each other.In the class students are asked to read the comic strip aloud, after which they break up into groups of four, discuss what they have heard and write a summary.It was a new bus, its outside painted a gleaming white with some green stripes along the sides.Beyond these strips of cultivation lay the common land.It contains a strong triangular iron strip called ploughshare.

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