Unable example sentences

However, during the days when he is unable to get some work, he and his family really face difficulties and sometimes his small kids have to sleep without food.They were unable to grow foodgrains to sustain their families.But a firm may be unable to sell all of its produce.Or, if we treat a single category of labour as a representative of all kinds of labours, we may be unable to distinguish the labour of the manager of a firm from the labour of the accountant of the firm.' appears that twenty yeas ago, a brisk trade was carried on in the manufacture of cloth at Jahanabad, and Behar, which has in the former place entirely ceased, while in the latter the amount of manufacture is very limited, in consequence of the cheap and durable goods from Manchester with which the Native manufactures are unable to compete.In the context of settlement of accounts among the partners there is still another important aspect to be noted, i.e., when a partner is unable to contribute towards the deficiency of his capital account (the account finally showing a debit balance), he/she is said to be insolvent, and the sum not recoverable is treated as capital loss for the firm.You may have also felt it yourself or seen a friend unable to speak a word of a well-memorised and rehearsed speech before an audience.Suppose you want to teach children in a slum area who are unable to go to school.The enterprises might lose business and may be unable to earn profit.) Confused and unable to help, my hair went into panic mode.They are unable to share experiences or emotions with others.Similarly, one generation of the poor may be unable to eradicate their poverty, and the next generation continues to remain in poverty.Many people died because they were unable to run after the explosion.Unable to find proper jobs in cities, many people started working as rickshaw pullers, vendors, construction workers, domestic servants etc.The lack of surplus means that they are unable to obtain capital from their own savings, and have to borrow.

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