Unable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Unable
As adjective : अकर्मान्वित Ex:  he was unable to give a clear accounting for his actions
अकिंचितकर Ex:  Dyslexics are unable to learn to read adequately. अकिंचितकर Ex:  Dyslexics are unable to learn to read adequately. अगुणशील Ex:  Children are unable to placate their teacher for leave. अच्छम Ex:  He is unable to follow the intricacies of the plot. अच्छम Ex:  He is unable to follow the intricacies of the plot. अठान० Ex:  we were unable to get satisfaction from the local store अनिर Ex:  He was unable to swim even at the shallow end of the swimming pool. अपारक Ex:  She was unable to keep back her tears. अपारक Ex:  She was unable to keep back her tears. अप्रभु Ex:  Postmark is used on the stamps pasted on letters so that it is unable to use again. अप्रभु Ex:  Postmark is used on the stamps pasted on letters so that it is unable to use again. अयोग्य Ex:  I was unable to word my feelings at the Ritus husbands death. अशक्त Ex:  Children are unable to placate their teacher for their poor conduct. असकति Ex:  Susan is unable to get there by herself . असमर्थ Ex:  Ann was unable to find her tongue . उ:   इन्द्र उसे संभालने में असमर्थ रहे। असांम्प्रत Ex:  John seems unable to keep a civil tongue . कमजर्फ Ex:  The cannons were unable to heavily damage the thick walls of the warehouse गतायु Ex:  During a period when he was unable to find a permanent job there गधेडी़ Ex:  Thus, the two powers were relatively unable to fight decisive battles. गैरमिसिल Ex:  Weeks later, though, Demosthenes proved unable to finish off the Spartans. गैरवाजिब Ex:  Norway was also unable to stop British mining of her territorial waters. ज्ञानदुर्बल Ex:  Wasp’s damage-control teams were unable to contain the ensuing large fires नाताकत Ex:  When Germany was unable to pay its reparations नामाकूल Ex:  Hooker, too, proved unable to defeat Lee's army नामुनासिब Ex:  Furious that his army had been unable to take Moscow नालयक Ex:  Leigh was found to be unable to project her voice adequately निरूपपत्ति Ex:  With Bradman and Fingleton unable to bat पांडुपृष्ठ Ex:  In 2004 the Maserati MC12s were unable to compete in series backed by the ACO प्रणाय्य Ex:  He and his brother John were unable to make the business work महरो Ex:  If the Speaker is unable to attend, the Speaker pro tempore presides instead. माजूर Ex:  But he is unable to see the murderer’s face. लटपटा Ex:  But the small nation was unable to support such a vast project विकुंठित Ex:  Germans were unable to defeat the Jews in open street combat. श्लथ Ex:  Many were unable to return to the farms at all
Other : आयोग्य Ex:  John is unable to live within his means .
Unable ki paribhasha : abhipretaarth ko vyakt karane men aksham
Usage of Unable in sentences

The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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