Verify example sentences

The trial balance is a tool for verifying the correctness of debit and credit amounts.A good control system enables management to verify whether the standards set are accurate and objective.A trial balance is a statement showing the balances, or total of debits and credits, of all the accounts in the ledger with a view to verify the arithmatical accuracy of posting into the ledger accounts.Compare the trial balance of current year with that of the previous year to check additions and deletions of any accounts and also verify whether there is a large difference in amount, which is neither expected nor explained.Similarly, receipt for the amount paid for purchase of a machine becomes the documentary evidence for the cost of machine and provides an objective basis for verifying this transaction.It directed every department/ministry of the union government and state governments to verify the facts within six months.“Do you realise what will happen if Comet Dutta collides with the Earth, as you predict it will?” “The effects will be catastrophic! That is why I have taken extra care to verify my calculations.

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