Verify meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Verify
As noun : जाँचना Ex:  Please verify that the doors are closed
परिछना Ex:  He administered the witnesses necessary to verify the information he had made बिलोचना Ex:  verify signatures, writings सत्यापित करना
As verb : प्रमाणित करना Ex:  He also says of Him who raises gas appliances and verify the
Other : निश्चय करना Ex:  The two non-repeating lines can be used to verify correct wall-eyed viewing. पड़ताल करना Ex:  This is to see, This is to review, verify सत्य ठहराना सत्यापन करना सिद्ध करना
Verify ki paribhasha : kisi vishay ki satyata ya vasatvata athava yogyata ya ayogyata ka nirnay karana
Usage of Verify in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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