Have meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Have
As noun : अंकूलना Ex:  I have yet to see the results
अकलना Ex:  I have done all that is required by law. अचना Ex:  Telephone numbers have atleast four digits. आसादन Ex:  I have many African friends. उज्जना Ex:  Accusations of corruption have been made against him. उलेखनापु Ex:  Always have goodwill towards others. औराना Ex:  Many temples in India have almshouses. करव्ना Ex:  All his policies have remained uncontroversial. ख्ना Ex:  Please have a pew. घलाहल Ex:  The two nations have signed an armstice. घोँटना Ex:  Some of the Hindi movies donot have a climatic ending. जानना Ex:  They have served me shamefully. उ:   रोग के तीनों रूपों को जानना आवश्यक है। ठवनापु Ex:  The doors have grooves on the side. डालना Ex:  Loans to farmers have been remitted. ढोँकना Ex:  Medical colleges have amphitheatres. तिलकिट्ट Ex:  We have two periods of computer in a week. त्रीघटना Ex:  You have been spoofed. दिल्ना Ex:  Stonewares have to be handled carefully. नंषना Ex:  Most of the temples in India have fonts. निखूटनापु Ex:  The allegations have been completely disproved. निबोध Ex:  All the prices have been assessed approximately. निरथाना Ex:  They have examinations every trimester. परिगम Ex:  He should not have behaved in this manner. पर्यावलोकन Ex:  I have a facination for toys. पिद्धना Ex:  You have placed me in a dilemma. पिवना Ex:  All the religions have their own matriarch. पीना Ex:  We have a fortnights holiday. उ:   दोनो का काम ही शरीर का खून पीना होता है। पीवना Ex:  Canal have helped in irrigation. प्रपीति Ex:  Suddenly the prices of essencial commodities have reached rock-bottom. प्रातिधान Ex:  Todays grinders have lots of facilities. बाध्य होना Ex:  All the lights have fused. मिलना Ex:  I have books in galore. उ:   उन्हें भी समाज में उच्च स्थान मिलना है। मेलना Ex:  Feeling hungry, have a sundae. मेलापन Ex:  We have apple orchards in our village. मेल्हना Ex:  Refugees from Punjab have resettled in U.P. रखना Ex:  Do you have knitting-needles? उ:   ३. हिन्दुओं की आन्तरिक सुरक्षा का ध्यान रखना । रालना Ex:  i have seen an oneirology व्यंदना Ex:  Many graduates have submitted their bio-data in the jobcentre. संवृत्ति Ex:  do you have a light? सकुचना Ex:  They have switched of the power. सज्जकर्म Ex:  Unpainted metals have chances of corrosion. सन्निवेश Ex:  These two movies have stricking similarities. सन्यासन Ex:  We have their acceptance. समासादन Ex:  Going north? Could I have a lift? Bill: Sure . समुत्पत्ति Ex:  I have a problem, John . है Ex:  He should not have insulted Kelly . उ:   यह है विकास और ऊंचे जीवन स्तर की एक झलक। होना Ex:  England and South Africa have also gained prominence. उ:   होना और गैर होना एक ही हैं।
As verb : असन्निकर्ष Ex:  King's subjects to have control. आवश्यक हो जाना Ex:  Mahesh have swimming trunks for swimming. जरूरत पडना Ex:  We have two oil-mills in our town. जरूरत पड़ना Ex:  I have planted creepers of legumes in my garden. पास होना Ex:  I have pictures of medievall castles.
Other : अस्तिमान् Ex:  only an automaton wouldnt have noticed माल असबाब Ex:  The tomatos have been liquidized. सधन Ex:  Ups and downs of our lives have tragi-comedy.
Have ki paribhasha : jise paane ka hak ho vah dhan jo saamaany ya snmilit ho pakadi ya thahari hui vastu ko is prakaar chhod dena ki vah niche gir pade kisi vastu par ya kisi vastu ke andar doosari vastu sthit karana kisi vastu ki sthiti, guna, kriya ya pranaali ityaadi nirdisht karanevaala bhaav dhaaran karana do bhinn bhinn padaarthon ka ek hona kisi taral vastu ko ghooant ghooant karake gale ke niche utaarana ek nishedh ya asahamatisoochak shabd pradhaan sattaarthak kriya
Have synonyms
enjoy include get receive acquire pick up accept keep admit own take carry retain hold obtain gain hog land secure annex procure occupy compass corner chalk up take in get hands on get hold of have in hand latch on to lock up sit on teem with undergo consider feel experience leave see know allow permit need become suffer let tolerate sustain entertain must be compelled to be forced to be up to fall on meet with ought put up with rest with should think about be one's duty to involve subsume embrace embody encompass comprehend comprise fix fool outsmart outfox outwit undo dupe overreach outmaneuver deceive swindle buy off tamper with deliver beget bring forth give birth
Have antonyms
lack need exclude reject surrender misunderstand forfeit refuse avoid dodge release deny dispute disallow dispossess forsake neglect fail lose miss pass yield give offer throw away drop spend free let go abandon stop want kill not have ignore forget hold keep halt
Usage of Have in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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