Meaning of (घलाहल) ghalahala in english

As noun : drag Ex:  In terms of Marine, He said flat wood pieces we put in a heavy body to serve drag
funnel Ex:  As the funnel descends put Ex:  I'm going to put these cookies here . input Ex:  On the other hand, the rule-based approach works on any input shove Ex:  It is so ashamed of what he has said, he knows where to shove change Ex:  With the end of World War I, there was also a change in the economic climate. inflict Ex:  Moreover, most would hesitate to inflict death on a member of the community. fall on Ex:  By extension, public Raider is said to a political figure whose faults fall on the entire nation climb Ex:  The initial climb rate was per minute and the ceiling was . pass Ex:  The Alingar and Alinshing rivers pass through Laghman punch in feed in Ex:  However, in captivity they are usually given live feed in a confined space. run Ex:  Campbell chose not to run for re-election net Ex:  Drift net fishing is killing dolphins get Ex:  Well get them! have Ex:  The two nations have signed an armstice. trap Ex:  Catching a wolf in a trap dump Ex:  small dump Species mounted on a stretcher that has a wheel in front and we usually pushes ahead put to Ex:  Germany's economic goals in Asia were conclusively put to an end. put down to drop Ex:  Do not drop his voice at the end of sentences expose Ex:  Confessing Jesus Christ, confess the faith of Jesus Christ, recognize that one is Christian, make public profession of faith in Jesus Christ, to expose the persecution throw Ex:  There they would sit and throw sugarlumps into the hats of passers-by load Ex:  Yoked oxen cannot slow a load like harnessed horses can raise Ex:  Action to raise or result of this action shoot Ex:  These trees were beyond the alignment, we made them shoot shift Ex:  About an hour after starting his sleep shift shake Ex:  It is said of the resolution even shake someone, shake his hope contract Ex:  In the same month, he also signed a management contract with Albert Grossman. tuck Ex:  This tapestry is too high, you have to tuck take Ex:  he tried to take Britain into the Europen Union fill Ex:  Docks and marinas fill the freshwater shoreline in between. slip Ex:  The sun was eclipsed, began to slip at such an hour feed Ex:  Items not included in the legal definition of food include animal feed exchange Ex:  Although some students who were in the library asserted the exchange occurred pick Ex:  If falls, it will pick lay Ex:  The incomes and living standards of lay workers are comparable to thread Ex:  Cord flat or round, silk thread or leather rail at one end or both ends, we pass through eyelets for clamping a part of any clothing and mainly women of corsets, footwear, gaiters insertion Ex:  The insertion of a sheet in a book punch into fuel Ex:  Today, about 90% of vehicular fuel needs are met by oil. propel throw Ex:  There they would sit and throw sugarlumps into the hats of passers-by belch shy Ex:  Character of the man who is shy cast Ex:  Yugoslavians were often cast as the Indians deliver Ex:  The web servers deliver pages as requested crash throw out throw away delivery Ex:  Gestational diabetes typically resolves with delivery of the child
As verb : bury Ex:  cloth towel that is used to bury a dead fling cast Ex:  Yugoslavians were often cast as the Indians project Ex:  The whole project blew up . enter Ex:  We were explicitly forbidden to enter the military area. set aside Ex:  Seventy tons of bronze were set aside for casting it. stir up sling project Ex:  The whole project blew up . dart Ex:  Throwing a javelin dart put Ex:  I'm going to put these cookies here .
Suggested : to move or place (anything) so as to get it into or out of a specific location or position a cone-shaped utensil with a tube at the apex for conducting liquid or other substance through a small opening, as into a bottle, jug, or the like to throw , cast, or hurl with force or violence to put in the ground and cover with earth to draw with force , effort, or difficulty pull heavily or slowly along haul trail
Exampleघलाहल का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(घलाहल) ghalahala can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : ghalaahala

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