Impediment meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Impediment
As noun : अंतराइ Ex:  The main impediment to growth was lack of capital.
अडंचन Ex:  Apart from their speech impediment अनात्मकदुःख Ex:  This proved to be a significant impediment for some software developers अनाबाध Ex:  After many years, he finally stated, "My impediment is no hindrance". अनुवेध Ex:  His impediment may also have been cluttering अपग्रह Ex:  So long as no external impediment interveneth between them अरसान Ex:  Bring the impediment to something अवबाधा Ex:  impediment उज्त्र Ex:  It means, by extension, allege, against a difficulty, an obstacle, an impediment to a request उल्काचक्र Ex:  some natural impediment कंठभंग Ex:  The one who takes the place of another, which exercises the functions of another, in case of absence or legitimate impediment खरमंड़ल Ex:  There impediment छेटा द्विधाद्वंद्व प्रतपक्षता प्रतिच्छेद प्रतिवंधकता प्रतीघात प्रत्यवरोध, प्रत्यवरोधन बाधा रूकावट बाधा उ:   बीच में विवाह जैसी बाधा पड़ जाने के कारण कुछ दिन शिक्षा स्थगित रही। मजाहमत रोकटोक लाँझि ववज वाध, वाधन विघ्न उ:   प्रभु विघ्न आये पास ना, ऐसी कृपा हो आपकी। विष्वग्लोप शाखशाना शिक संवार संवार हकलाहट
Other : अरगल Ex:  An impediment to marriage अर्गल Ex:  Having free speech, not having speech impediment in the point अर्गला Ex:  I do not put impediment point अवरोध Ex:  It is said, to similar effect, Pull someone a thorn, a big thorn from the side, the issue of a great embarrassment of a difficult situation, an impediment उपरोध Ex:  OPPOSE particularly means, in terms of case law, according to legal forms Declare that puts impediment to the execution of some action of any shutdown in any judicial formality उपरोधन Ex:  Pulling someone a thorn, a big thorn from the side, the issue an embarrassment, a painful situation, an impediment बाध रोक टोक रोड़ा
Impediment ki paribhasha : kisi kaam ke bich men padnevaala adchan
Impediment synonyms
hitch flaw stumbling block barrier restriction handicap drawback setback snag difficulty inhibition obstacle hurdle hazard burden defect deterrent bottleneck red tape disadvantage load cramp clog encumbrance chain wall holdup millstone check stoppage manacle delay shackle tie rub restraint prohibition drag detriment catch blockage fault trammel barricade retardation curb stricture catch-22 road block dead weight retardment
Impediment antonyms
advantage perfection boon aid assistance liberation permission furtherance benefit opening strength freedom help blessing clearance allowance facilitation support
Usage of Impediment in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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