Meaning of (प्रतीघात) prateeghata in english

As noun : collision Ex:  The mountains of northwest Ireland were formed during the collision
smash crash shock Ex:  Marine Pity the shock of one because building to another in a port in a bay, changed positions bump butt Ex:  This man is the butt of everyone's dash wreck clash knock resistance Ex:  For the most part these are human members of the resistance barrier Ex:  barrier whammy interruption Ex:  The slightest interruption can disturb a impediment encumbrance interference sticking point obstruction curtain Ex:  Pull the curtain on a picture drag rub Ex:  scrape, rub the surface of a body with something hard or sharp, so as to remove some parts wall Ex:  Fungi are unusual among the eukaryotes in having a cell wall that block Ex:  Bolt saw each cut that is made in one piece woodland in a block of stone snag clog opposition Ex:  In the Bahamas, opposition to golf developments has become a national issue. hurdle repercussion recoil riposte counter stroke strike back rebound backlash Ex:  The backlash is often more dangerous than the blow
As verb : collide Ex:  Two bodies collide impact Ex:  He denies the impact of culture and context on his actions . set back
Suggested : the striking of one thing against another forceful contact collision to make a loud, clattering noise, as of something dashed to pieces to break to pieces with violence and often with a crashing sound , as by striking, letting fall, or dashing against something shatter the act of colliding a coming violently into contact crash to strike one another or one against the other with a forceful impact come into violent contact crash
Exampleप्रतीघात का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(प्रतीघात) prateeghata can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : pratiighaata

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