Inoperable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inoperable
As adjective : अक्र Ex:  For patients with inoperable disease
अविकासी Ex:  Literature and Fine Arts Jobs word, phrase or ancient towers processes and inoperable अशल्यकरणीय Ex:  tumor, inoperable fracture खंगड़ जिसका शल्य चिकित्सा न हो सके निष्क्रिय उ:   वह कुछ दिनों तक निष्क्रिय पड़े रहते हैं। विनिरोध
Inoperable ki paribhasha : jisamen koi kriya ya vyaapaar na ho
Inoperable synonyms
wrecked faulty defective ruined gone shot exhausted spent disabled down feeble haywire imperfect kaput out of commission run-down unsatisfactory weak busted wracked coming unglued coming unstuck fallen apart gone to pieces gone to pot in disrepair in need of repair in the shop not functioning on the shelf out of kilter out of whack screwed up unemployed lost tired barren still bygone departed defunct extinct inactive inoperative obsolete stagnant sterile unprofitable useless vanished worn worn out wearied abstract absurd chimerical idealistic illogical impossible improbable inapplicable inefficacious otherworldly out of the question quixotic romantic speculative starry-eyed theoretical unattainable unfeasible unreal unwise visionary wild infeasible irrealizable ivory-tower no-go nonfunctional nonviable not a prayer unbusinesslike unserviceable won't fly deadly fatal hopeless terminal irreparable serious cureless irremediable immedicable irrecoverable nowhere to go out of time remediless uncorrectable unrecoverable bonkers kerflooey not working no go malfunctioning on the bum
Inoperable antonyms
repaired connected ok continuous satisfied working flowing perfect saved complete fixed unbroken whole happy uplifted kept animated existing living interested responsive spirited operative continuing enduring incomplete unfinished fresh invigorated refreshed alive being existent subsisting active warm practicable probable tenable viable practical realistic reasonable healthful wholesome curable operable healable medicable logical rational sensible believable possible wise
Usage of Inoperable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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