Meaning of (खंगड़) khngad in english

As noun : impertinence Ex:  The impertinence of the man is so great that everyone hates
heavy Ex:  He was uttering lot of gibberish after heavy drinking. virulent Ex:  virulent Satire rowdy Ex:  substantively, It is a rowdy rough Ex:  household utensil, made of a metal plate bristling with rough edges, and which serves to reduce powdered sugar, cheese, etc keen Ex:  It also means Who to heart, which is keen to defunct Ex:  A number of defunct teams were located in Miami sedentary Ex:  In the Sahel sedentary peoples live side-by-side with nomadic ones vegetive idle Ex:  substantively, They are there a lot of idle vegetative Ex:  The vegetative life is common to animals and Plants dead Ex:  The dead sea will become a normal sea and even fish will live in the sea. adynamic undynamic
As verb : irritated Ex:  figuratively, it is said of a person whose susceptibility is easily irritated
As adjective : fractious bold Ex:  A bold demagogue fierce Ex:  The fierce defense of Bastogne violent Ex:  Following a series of drug-related violent incidents furious Ex:  This action provoked a furious Governor Stuyvesant turbulent Ex:  In the turbulent period following the 1917 Russian Revolution raucous ferocious Ex:  These spiders look quite ferocious truculent Ex:  Character of what is truculent aggressive Ex:  Betting on the speedy success of aggressive tactics acrid malignant Ex:  In a malignant manner strong Ex:  Hungarian traditional music tends to have a strong dactylic rhythm vicious Ex:  Contract vicious stagnant inactive Ex:  , Standing idly, Staying idle when should work to remain inactive when it should be torpid phlegmatic inoperable silent Ex:  They furnished music for silent movies and live shows
Suggested : acting with or characterized by uncontrolled, strong, rough force menacingly wild, savage, or hostile not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff courageous and daring refractory or unruly unmannerly intrusion or presumption insolence
Exampleखंगड़ का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(खंगड़) khngad can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from modification of Sanskrit language by locals . Transliteration : kh.nga.Da

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