Kill meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Kill
As noun : अँगुरियाना Ex:  The CIA unearthed a plot to kill the President
अमान्य कर देना Ex:  showing animalism to kill birds. अहुटानापु Ex:  To kill his friend he make use of strychnine. आपीड़न Ex:  He was given an admonition not to kill animals. इजाला Ex:  The C.I.A unearthed a plot to kill the President. इस्तिर करना Ex:  My mother took a painkiller to kill the headache. उछेदना Ex:  It was a cabal to kill the President. उत्कर्तन Ex:  chemicals could kill all the wildlife उपसंहरण Ex:  some sharks are very dangerous and can kill people . उल्लुंचन Ex:  The baby cheetah wanted to be in on the kill . कत्ल करना Ex:  I could kill for a cold beer . कप्पना Ex:  The employees were not encouraged to kill time . कर्तन Ex:  This was the first submarine kill since World War II कलप्प Ex:  Max Immelmann scored the first confirmed kill in an Eindecker on 1 August. कष्ट देना Ex:  For some seeds, imbibing to much water to quickly can kill the seed. काटना Ex:  It permitted anyone to kill Luther without legal consequence. कापना Ex:  Coyotes kill large numbers of housecats in the Southwestern United States कुट्ठन Ex:  'Give me two weeks to have my baby and then you can kill me'? खराब कर देना Ex:  He swears that he will kill anyone who rides Freyfaxi without permission. खराब करना Ex:  Savage then asked if they were going to kill him. गँमाना Ex:  Dylan asked Todd to give him one reason why he shouldn't kill Todd गँवाना Ex:  When the young must approach a kill चकित कर देना Ex:  Notably, the creatures kill Mrs. चोट पहुँचाना Ex:  Local commanders continued to kill Jews Ex:  Sometimes they kill for them". तंड़ना Ex:  Although avian malaria can kill chickens and turkeys तर्कुट Ex:  Devadatta attempted three times to kill the Buddha. तुच्छना Ex:  More than one unsuccessful attempt was made to kill Sir Harry तोड़फोड़ Ex:  These conflicts kill 150 elephants and up to 100 people per year in Sri Lanka. दूर करना Ex:  ' I already wanted to kill the guy". धाहना Ex:  Although powerful enough to kill smaller animals धीमा करना Ex:  Mucormycosis can kill platypuses धुधराना Ex:  Wolves however have been known to kill dogs. नठनापु Ex:  AVALANCHE is given no choice but to fight and kill him. नष्ट करना Ex:  These predators can either directly attack and kill breeding adults नामंजूर करना Ex:  "A robot must never kill a human, of his own free will". निकर्त Ex:  Tony leaves to find Chino, begging for Chino to kill him too. निर्गंधन Ex:  Enki also assisted humanity to survive the Deluge designed to kill them. पराकरण Ex:  This can damage or kill those cells परिदलन Ex:  " Ray replies, "No, I'm stone cold sober, and now I'm going to kill you". परिवर्जन, परिवर्ज्जन Ex:  Adam eggs J.R. on to kill himself. परेशान करना Ex:  His plan was to kill all of the settlers in Bulawayo first पानी फेर देना Ex:  Radiotherapy uses ionizing radiation to kill prostate cancer cells. पिड़काना । Ex:  Apollo had encouraged Orestes to kill Clytemnestra पीड़ाकरण Ex:  Occasionally members of this suborder will even kill small fish प्रबाधन Ex:  Troilus helps kill Patroclus. बर्बाद कर देना Ex:  Defence closed in for the kill बर्बाद करना Ex:  Siegfried threatens to kill him but Odette intercedes. बिघटाना Ex:  Humabon and his rival Datu Zula convinced Magellan to go kill their enemy बिदूखना, बिदूषना Ex:  To never kill a human might seem to be a good rule बिधंसना Ex:  Those Umayyad troops who had broken into the square had tried to kill Martel बिनशना Ex:  Petersburg student who formulates and executes a plan to kill a hated बिमर्दना Ex:  The unofficial kill was not entered in the 475th's war record. बिलगाना Ex:  Ask for life, ask grace, praying that does not kill you बिसवना Ex:  Clean the trench In hunt, kill or make prisoner occupants बिसूलना Ex:  Clean trench, In kill or make prisoner the occupants ब्य़ोँतना Ex:  Do not rely on this charlatan, he will kill you भँडा़ना Ex:  For threat, he will die by my hand, I'll kill him भीँचना Ex:  Giving life to his enemy, not kill him, though it can मंद कर देना Ex:  He almost kill himself tumbling down the stairs मार डालना Ex:  Help! they kill me! Prov मिटा देना Ex:  In wanting to someone's life, Have formed the draft kill मुरकाना Ex:  It will kill you with her to मुवाना ‡ Ex:  It would kill him, if I had not chosen, if I had not kept his arm मूकना Ex:  Kill, kill men who defend the point मेटना Ex:  Leave the kill dogs मोचन Ex:  Mercy! he will kill himself if he did that मोड़ना तोड़ना Ex:  NAPPE says, in terms of hunting, deer Skin that covers the ground, when we want to give the kill dogs मोसना Ex:  Put the head of a man in prices, Promising a sum of money that will kill the रद्द कर देना Ex:  Separate them they will kill रसाना Ex:  Sonner the kill लुंच, लुंचन Ex:  Spreading blood, Injure or kill वदर्ध, वर्ध Ex:  The dumb Seraglio strangled with a silk lakes ones Sultan ordered them to kill वदर्धापन, वर्धापन Ex:  The implementation of a condemned action to kill a condemned वर्द्धन, वर्धन Ex:  These two nations, these two powers are enemies, they make their efforts to kill each other विधंसना ‡ Ex:  This is your son back, you have to kill the fatted calf विनयन Ex:  This man, this animal dies hard, it is difficult to kill him, kill him; it is resistant विनिवारण Ex:  To kill a man in cold blood, killing the steep विनोदन Ex:  To kill one s other विर्मदन Ex:  To kill the pupae cocoons are scalded silkworms विलब्धि Ex:  Treat various liquids by Pasteur processes to kill harmful microbes they contain विशस Ex:  We must kill the roosters विहनन Ex:  Who seems to want to kill everything that is gruff, grumbling विहिंसन Ex:  You demand too much of your horse, you kill व्यध Ex:  , be eager for the kill व्यपनुति Ex:  , In kill many व्यपसारण Ex:  , sacrifice someone one on his rage, his fury, the kill in a transport rage, fury व्यवाकृति Ex:  , Se kill pleasure, Make unnecessarily obviously harmful things to his health व्याकुल् कर देना Ex:  Tirer, kill a bird in flight, the shoot, kill it as it flies व्यापाद व्युदास शांत करना षोषण संछेद संप्रतापन सन्यासन समाप्त करना समालंभ सल्ब सल्लनां हटाअना हत्या करना
As verb : जान से मार देना Ex:  When he found out the truth he sent his sister, Artemis, to kill Coronis. जीत लेना Ex:  "Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man". नष्‍ट Ex:  He decides to end everything and kill himself by jumping out a 5-story window. उ:   इन गुफाओं में की गई अधिकांश चित्रकारी नष्‍ट हो गई है। मारना Ex:  His debaucheries kill the मोसना Ex:  Put the head of a man in prices, Promising a sum of money that will kill the मौत के घाट उतारना Ex:  Request exchange, money or your life, ask someone his money, his purse, with threatening to kill him if he refuses हनन उ:   इसका अर्थ होता है श्रमिकों के बुनियादी अधिकारों का हनन और शोषण।
Other : परेशान करना. Ex:  Bob Kane noted that as a result " planning to kill Batman off altogether". फीका करना Ex:  Adverse air quality can kill many organisms including humans. वश में कर लेना Ex:  They had conspiracy to take it, to kill the
Kill ki paribhasha : dhola, nagaada, dhaunsa aadi bajaane ki lakadi jngali pashuon ko maarane ka kaary ya krid kisi dhaaradaar chij ki daab ya ragad se do tukade karana dnd dene ke liye kisi ko kisi vastu se pitana ya aaghaat pahuanchaana paas ki vastu ko nikal jaane dena
Kill synonyms
wipe out execute murder hit slay massacre slaughter drown poison get assassinate crucify dump neutralize asphyxiate dispatch erase extirpate guillotine strangle zap snuff exterminate suffocate waste electrocute finish liquidate sacrifice hang smother lynch annihilate obliterate immolate eradicate do away with do in polish off put away rub out garrote x-out put to death stop prohibit revoke forbid cease counteract still ruin negative quash halt veto suppress nullify nix deaden stifle refuse annul quell defeat extinguish recant scotch turn out shut off
Kill antonyms
create preserve construct bear fail leave miss save lose give birth hold keep maintain help free let go loose build start begin initiate turn on permit sanction aid assist ok validate allow push approve authorize light continue support agitate disturb irritate encourage
Usage of Kill in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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