Meaning of (व्यध) vyadha in english

As noun : traumatise
pain Ex:  His pain penetrates my heart hurt Ex:  The side hurt him bruise kill Ex:  , be eager for the kill do a mischief chop at cut Ex:  In terms of Botany and Zoology, crenellated Leaf, crenellated Wing, Leaf, wing whose edge is cut into rounded teeth penetration breakthrough Ex:  The first breakthrough came in 1931 dint aggression knock jerk crack blow stroke Ex:  PULL also means Seek to reach with a stroke of a weapon with a firearm chop shock Ex:  When the two armies came to shock offence coup Ex:  In the aftermath of the attempted coup jerkiness accent dash beat Ex:  They say this even beat the water, take this unnecessary trouble wound Ex:  His wound was reopened wherret whap concussion
As verb : traumatize
Suggested : to deprive of life in any manner cause the death of slay Synonyms to injure by striking or pressing, without breaking the skin to cause bodily injury to injure physical suffering or distress, as due to injury, illness, etc Pathology to injure (tissues) by force or by thermal, chemical, etc, agents
Exampleव्यध का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(व्यध) vyadha can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : vyadha

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