Locus meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Locus
As noun : आलयम Ex:  In the root locus method
चिंतावेश्म Ex:  Siberia is regarded as the locus classicus of shamanism. जागाहपु Ex:  It is the locus of all points in a plane at a constant distance जीन अवस्थिति Ex:  The major locus of these cantos is the city of Venice. ठह Ex:  The Latin word was derived from the Greek socus locus ठहियाँ Ex:  The locus of the dot-com boom during the late 1990s ठही ठाँउँ, ठाँऊँ ठाँम ठाँयँ ठामपु ठारपु ठाव ठिन ठोड ठौहर थंड थहण थाँण थाय देवभवन धिष्णय पोजीशन बिंदुपथ बिन्दुपथ उ:   परवलय को बिन्दुपथ के रूप में परिभाषित किया जा सकता है। विंटक वेढ शय्यागृह शालिकी सिताँ स्थान विशेष स्थान उ:   इसी स्थान को सेतुबंध कहते है। स्थानपाल स्थानाश्रय स्थाम हौश
Locus ki paribhasha : vah avakaash jisamen koi chij rah sake vah avakaash jisamen koi chij rah sake
Locus synonyms
bearing habit strait site attitude manner pass plight port mien deportment arrangement state location emplacement form pose spot disposition condition circumstances predicament carriage status stand situation ballgame how things stack up like it is the size of it locality station stage where
Locus antonyms
success boon disarrangement solution good fortune unemployment
Usage of Locus in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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