Meaning of (ठोड) thod in english

As noun : niche
venue Ex:  In 1999, the OBC inaugurated its new venue in the brand-new Auditorium . establishment Ex:  Since the establishment of Darolfonoon in the mid 1800s locality lieu pedestal Ex:  This marble pedestal has a masonry core site Ex:  Neveu saw the work that Eiffel performed on the site position Ex:  It was and remains the position of Mongols and Tibetans that slot Ex:  time slot which is the twenty-fourth part of the natural day area Ex:  Colonel Seth Reed and his family moved to the Erie area from Geneva situation Ex:  The situation was difficult for the church, which struggled under Soviet rule. locale space Ex:  This means that for maneuvering in space opening Ex:  The day before the opening night scene Ex:  He found it “the most heartrending scene that I ever witnessed”. dot Ex:  Constitute a dowry, be such amount as inheritance dowry establish a dowry, assign a dot on such funds on such property nest Ex:  Pigeons nest in walls location Ex:  Even biopsy is dependent on the location of the biopsy. sight Ex:  Spaniard Alvaro de Mendana is the first European to sight the islands. earth Ex:  The abundance of boron in earth crust is less than 0 . seat Ex:  But though the 747 had the lowest potential operating cost per seat room Ex:  We ushered them from the room . rank Ex:  A man of your rank should only give good examples post Ex:  His son was subsequently elected to the post in 2007 field Ex:  The field in the women's archery event consisted only of British women point Ex:  The lowest point is Laguna del Carbón in Santa Cruz ranking Ex:  Despite the loss, her ranking rose to World No. place Ex:  Gambling games that take place outside of casinos include Bingo locus spot Ex:  Aussi says it has grassy spot in a garden setting Ex:  Similar methodology is also used in applied setting placing Ex:  He said, specifically, the Ceremony is done by placing a bishop in his see, when he takes possession of his metropolitan church space Ex:  This means that for maneuvering in space reason Ex:  For this reason aluminium pans should never be cleaned with sodium hydroxide. corner Ex:  The southwestern corner of Gyeongju contents Ex:  Drink a mug, drink the contents in in place Ex:  Nebraska's unicameral legislature was put in place by a state initiative. box Ex:  $700,000 based on the box office returns seat Ex:  But though the 747 had the lowest potential operating cost per seat room Ex:  We ushered them from the room .
Suggested : place stead a place, spot, or district, with or without reference to things or persons in it or to occurrences there the act or an instance of establishing Law
the place of a crime or cause of action an ornamental recess in a wall or the like, usually semicircular in plan and arched, as for a statue or other decorative object
Exampleठोड का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(ठोड) thod can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 3 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : ThoDa

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