Nest meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Nest
As noun : अड्डा Ex:  a machine-gun nest उ:   वहाँ भी एक हवाई अड्डा है।
अनेकचर Ex:  These mixing bowls nest together . अलमारी Ex:  In the same way as shark fin soup or bird's nest soup आंगार Ex:  Newly hatched chicks are active and can leave the nest within a few days. आकाप Ex:  Eight species or subspecies of sea birds nest on the island. आलयम Ex:  Almost all parrots nest in tree holes आशियाँ Ex:  All other parrots and cockatoos nest in cavities आश्रम स्थल Ex:  Once paired, they tend to nest together for life, usually in the same location. उछोड़ Ex:  The nest is a deep bowl made of large sticks and twigs एसेंब्ली Ex:  Chicks leave the nest at approximately 10 to 12 weeks of age. औपकार्य Ex:  The nest is usually a depression in the ground कमलवन Ex:  Senegal Parrot nest boxes can be any of a variety of sizes and shapes काँडी Ex:  This material is dragged to the nest by tucking it underneath her curled tail. कोबर Ex:  Seabirds can nest in trees गंजो Ex:  All the fulmarine petrels bar the Snow Petrel nest in the open गल्ला Ex:  Of the rest of the procellariids the majority nest in burrows or crevices घर बसाना Ex:  New Zealand Pigeons nest in trees घरोंदा Ex:  Sooty Terns or "Wideawake Birds" nest in great seashore lava "fairs". घोंसला Ex:  Another simple form of parental care is to construct a nest उ:   घोंसला सुविधा के अनुसार ज़मीन में बनाया जाता है। घोंसुआपु Ex:  The Bald Eagle builds the largest nest of any North American bird चक्रबाल Ex:  The nest is the largest of any bird in North America चमरटोला Ex:  The nest is built out of branches, usually in large trees near water. चिंतावेश्म Ex:  When breeding where there are no trees, the Bald Eagle will nest on the ground. छावन Ex:  Puffins, skuas, and kittiwakes nest on its sea cliffs. जगह Ex:  The male then leads the female to potential nest sites उ:   उसी जगह पर यहाँ एक शिवलिंग प्रकट हुई। जटि Ex:  The nest is constructed of twigs जमा करना Ex:  Mourning Doves will nest on the ground. जागा Ex:  Sometimes, however, a female will lay her eggs in the nest of another pair. जागाहपु Ex:  A bird nest झुंड Ex:  A nest at the foot of an oak उ:   तोते झुंड में रहनेवाले पक्षी हैं, जिनके नर मादा एक जैसे होते हैं। झोँट Ex:  Action to nest or result of this action झौँर Ex:  Brood which is still in the nest टुकडी़ Ex:  Building a nest ठट्ट Ex:  Cuckoos make no nest and lay their eggs in other birds that ठह Ex:  He thinks he has found the magpie nest said jokingly of a man who thinks bad about having made some important discovery, a very happy meeting for him ठहियाँ Ex:  I do not want to touch my little nest egg ठही Ex:  In terms of War, nest machine guns, machine guns Group arranged at the same point ठाँउँ, ठाँऊँ Ex:  intransitively it means abandon the nest ठाँण Ex:  It also said the nest of raptors, because they usually nest on a flat space and discovered ठाँम Ex:  It is said to own falconry birds as we took in the nest and which were not yet out ठाँयँ Ex:  Natural History newroptera insect species commonly called white ants, which eat the wood to establish their nest ठामपु Ex:  nest is also used transitively and then means wherever Place ठारपु Ex:  nest of snakes, wasps, ants, rats, etc ठाव Ex:  nest of termites ठिन Ex:  NID is said figuratively a gentle and quiet retreat, like a nest ठोड Ex:  Pigeons nest in walls ठौहर Ex:  The bird fluttered around the nest डेरा जमाना Ex:  The bird is in nest ढेरो Ex:  The birds are gone, there is no longer the nest तोत Ex:  The little ones are out of the nest थंड Ex:  The mother screamed and fluttered around its nest because we carried her little थट, थट्ट Ex:  The swallows nest in chimneys, windows, etc थहण Ex:  There are birds that nest on the ground थाँण Ex:  These birds nest in a hole थाय Ex:  They say similar effect Do not engage in this case it's a hornet's nest थेड Ex:  This bird flies back to its nest देवभवन Ex:  This slave had amassed a sizable nest egg धिष्णय Ex:  We will live happy in our little nest नबह Ex:  Who you are nestled in this place? Why has he gone to nest up there? This cat nestled in the cabinet नशेमन Ex:  , A nest rat, a narrow house, dark and dirty नियल बनाना Ex:  , every bird his nest is beautiful Everyone finds his house, his beautiful property निवास Ex:  , every bird its nest is beautiful, beautiful Everyone finds what belongs to him उ:   केशोरईपाटन भगवान श्री केशव का निवास स्थल है। नीड़ Ex:  , We found the empty nest is said When fetched someone to stop and we did not find at home पक्षिशाला परिस्कंध पाँति पोजीशन प्रसवस्थान बलदी बसबास बसीत्यो बास्तिक भँडारा मगसखाना मौका उ:   इसके बाद, किसी राज्य में भाकपा को सत्ता में आने का मौका नहीं मिला। मौजा रहने की गर्म छोटी जगह लतापाश लेँहड़ा वगर वर्षणि वस्तव्यता वस्तुजात वात्सक वाश्र वासतेयी विंटक विरझ विसर वेटा वेढ वेश्य वैतान शय्यागृह शालिकी संख्यात संधक संभूयगमन संव्रात संसत्, संसद् संहीत सन्नय सन्निवेश सन्यासन समाम्नाय समुदाइ, समुदाई समुदायि समूह उ:   कुछ नागा समूह सर्वात्मवादी भी है। साँमजि सार्त्र सिताँ सुरगण सौँतनां स्तबक स्थान उ:   यह ब्रह्म स्थान एक संत की समाधि पर स्थित है। स्थानपाल स्थानाश्रय स्थाम हलिनी हीठा हौश जमाना
As verb : घोंसला बनाना Ex:  Eggs are usually laid in a nest and incubated by the parents.
Other : आशियाना Ex:  Giant leatherback, hawksbill, and loggerhead turtles also nest here. कीड़ा Ex:  Loons and grebes, which nest on lakes उ:   कोश के भीतर ही यह कीड़ा वह तंतु निकालता है, जिसे रेशम कहते हैं। घोंसुआ Ex:  Abidjan became a part of popular imagination as a nest for spies and criminals. नीड Ex:  , This is a retirement owls, a nest of owls, says an old shack, an old castle inhabited उ:   जुड तब "ऑल यू नीड इज लव" नामक एक कैपेला गाता है।
Nest ki paribhasha : vah khad sndook jisamen chijen rakhane ke liye khaane ya dar bane rahate hain aur bnd karane ke liye palle hote hain kisi drav padaarth ki thndha karake athava kisi aur prakaar se gaadha karana ek ho tarah ki bahut si chojon ka dher vah avakaash jisamen koi chij rah sake vah avakaash jisamen koi chij rah sake
Nest synonyms
burrow refuge den lair aerie roost haunt hideaway breeding ground
Usage of Nest in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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